Hexis Wintertodt PRO
A Wintertodt bot packed with features. Supports all axes, food, and locations and wont let you down.
Start in the Wintertodt area. Have an axe, hammer, tinderbox, knife (if Fletching), and food in your bank or inventory.
How to use the GUI
Game settings
Fletch logs: Choose to fletch the Bruma roots into Kindling before burning
Skip games when X%: If you enter a game which is currently in progress, the bot will wait for the next game if the health is below the percentage
Burn at end of round: Burn your remaining inventory when the Wintertodt health gets low
Chop/Fletch in safe tile: Chop and fletch in a tile where the snowfall can't damage you
Food settings
Food: Choose the food. you want to use to heal yourself with
Eat food at X%: Eat the food when your health is below this percentage
Amount: The amount of food to withdraw from the bank
Minimum amount: The minimum amount of food you should have in your inventory before starting a game
Heal to full health after banking: After a game, heal to full health before returning
Brazier settings
Brazier position: Choose which Brazier to sit at
Light brazier at start of round: When the round starts, light the brazier for extra points instead of chopping
Progress reports