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This thing got me past 99 stop making such a great bot it over shots the goal god dammnit much love thank you so so so much! FOR ANYONE THAT HAS ISSUES AND IS DUMB LIKE ME MAKE A SEPRATE RUNELITE PROFILE WITH NOTHING ON IT IF YOU HAVE ISSUES.
Works perfectly, got me herb sack. Cheers!
i like the bot alot and used it multiple times succesfully till now, everytime i startup the bot since now it automatticly quits the bot and stops? already wasted a few times money because it just stop when i start it
please review it when the client isn't broken :)
Awesome bot, worked great!
great bot, but why does it alway do a random 3 clicks? any way to just change it to one? kinda looks sus
preventing dead clicks
Came to get 250 points for a herb sack.
Forgot and left it running, came back to 1M+ xp.

Classic Hexis Bot W
Great bot. My only criticism is that once it collects 100 fruit it stands and waits for a few minutes before depositing. I've fiddled with the settings and have not managed to stop this from occurring. If anyone knows what I might be doing wrong, let me know.
ran it for 3 days straight no breaks and almost hit 99, amazing script!
I wanna give this 5 stars so bad but my only complain is that it doesnt use stamina potions. plz fix that one little thing.
Works well, never uses stamina potions. Tried messing around with the settings, no success.
Easy to use, great script!
5/5 25 seeds per run works great very happy
25 plant mode is psycho, this bot goes hard
good bot , never stuck !
Normally this script is excellent (5/5 stars); however, there is currently not a way to scroll down to hit the start button within the interface. Tried restarting the client and runelite and rerunning the script, as well as using a mouse with a scroll wheel, but the issue persists.

I would not recommend using until issue is resolved, or you will be charged yet unable to run the script
The bot is entirely functional. If you'd reached out for support I'd have told you its completely out of my hands and not something that I can fix.

Thanks for the feedback but warding off people from using the bot because of an error you don't understand isn't very constructive.
I was absolutely stunned with how flawless this script is. Went from 85-99 farming on my main super quick with over 100k+ exp/h.
Easy 10+ hours everyday
Big gamer move right here
Runs very well and no issues. Just wish there was an option to have the fruits turned in every 100 harvested regardless of how many seeds are picked up when entering. Other than that, i enjoy it. Ran 5 lanes with 73 agility and full graceful without any issues
having an issue where it doesn't drink pots, but other wise absolutely amazing. does 25 and takes breaks when stamina gets low.
Fantastic Bot, Seen the review about the UI. What a load of nonsense, Sounds like he needs to upgrade his PC, I’ve had 0 issues with the UI and 0 issues with the bot, Outstanding thank you!.