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It works an over all pretty well.. atleast in the 4 plot config havent even tryed 5 plots yet..but it def needs a bit of babysitting.. for the 3 hrs i've ran it off & on it's gotten stuck a handful of occasions while watering the plants an began running back an forth or just does doing nothing cause it went behind the plots an got itself "lost"... also the watering can is funny that it click each one indivually rather then cliking once an letting all the cans just fill up which would be much more human like i feel
first time running this and it ran all night no issues good exp rate. i only tried 4 lanes as other reviews said the 5 lane was buggy. only request is there being a option for going afk every now and then or breaks. clicking that much non stop is very botlike imo
Works really good , but one thing that should be changed is that when there are less than 16/22 seeds left bot goes to take another stack , that leading to loss of extra points.
Fairly good but needs babysitting, been using for a few hours a day and got full farmers outfit and 10+ farming levels.

Can get stuck if someone plants in one of your patches.
Sometimes misses a patch and will leave a plant to die.
great bot, works perfectly. some issues with running 5 lanes with the lowest level seed so ran it 4 lanes with 0 issues. thanks!
Constantly gets stuck, needs heavy babysitting, from past reviews i see that this bot used to be good, what a pity.
The previous reviews are on the same version you're using... shame.
Man this script is amazing ! I left it on for 12 hours straight with breaks. Got me 800k farming XP and full farming outfit. Thanks so much man
Works great!
Kudos to you mate, I have ran this bot overnight while sleeping for 10+ hours now and it's still going like a champ. I also loved your agility bot it got me from 10-80 agility without any problems. You seem to know your script skills and I applaud you for the amazing work, keep it up!
Used to be a 5 star for me, just recently used it again and found out it has actually gotten worse. Gets stuck a lot because it seems to use a inefficient pathing. Meaning it has to be babysit right now unfortunately. Had to restart the bot a couple of times because it had gotten stuck. The pathing continuously seems to happen at plant 11 (where it would go into the more eastern path) and from there over to plant 12 (where it would go west of the ideal path in between the plants.

Also aggressively spam clicks te patches at the end of the run thinking it is the fruit deposit box. With some minor fixes I think it would become a 5-star for me again :)
I think there's something wrong with your client, I've not encountered any of these issues personally. Currently running it right now with Watering cans and it's not made a single miss-click.
Mint bot, works flawlessly. 10/10 thank you m8
very accurate and fast. went to work for over 8 hours and love the fact that its still working in mint condition. worth every cent =p
Works fantastic, got full farmer, sack and weed remover. + 1 extra shirt (missclick) barely fails the full 100 on my home world at 30 ping. A few misses but not the fault of the bot i'm sure. Will be doing it more for zammy wines.
works great, was doing 2-3 hour sessions a day. I did receive a temp ban tho...
Thanks for the review. Sorry to hear you got banned, but that's just what happens sometimes. Hopefully, you are able to come back stronger than ever!
Works perfectly, one of the best I've tried so far.
Yeeeeee nice!
dope af bro
5 lanes will not work. It just doesn't react fast enough to complete the 5 lanes in time. I'm in full graceful and run energy never drops below 90% on a full run so that isn't the issue. Also running very fast tethered internet (200mbs) , so i'm really not sure what the deal is. 4 stars because the 4 lane option seems to work for the most part.
It can be due to multiple factors, it works just fine for me and a lot of others. Choosing a good world, having good specs, runemate not fucking up (tall order sometimes lol) all play a part. This is why I made the 4 lane option, so that people who don’t get along with 5 lanes can still use the bot.
I love the bot , the rates are pretty human-like, around 23k/h (34 farming) 55K/h (54 farming) and 92 k/h. Would you consider adding 25x4 option?
Simply amazing! Runs perfect.
Great, thanks!
I received a temp 2 day ban on my main but the bot got me to 83 farming over a period of a few weeks. I only used max 1 1/2 hours at a time with a total of about 3 hours a day broken up. The bot is WORTH it but be careful. Not sure where it went wrong.
Sorry to hear, but glad to hear you enjoyed the bot.