As always noah, Your client's are the best on the market, I have used numerous clients. As for pest control bots, I've used "EPICBOT" "OSBUDDY before removal of bots" "tribot" and many pc related bots that have been long discontinued. "epicbot seems like it will be soon, that's how I found you from research of the best" I've even developed my own bots/clients/scripts. At the end of the day I am speechless. I have ran this Pest control bot from level 30 prayer to level 76 prayer, and 50's all combat stats to 80's, I have been Pcing over 8,000 points. and perhaps 100+ hours. I often run script in heaps of 3 hour goal spans x3+ times a day. "I bot 9+ hours a day" the only suggestion I have to make this bot even more human like is the death mechanics. the ONLY TIME, the bot gets stuck and acts bot like "very rare and for short duration" is when the account dies during the game, the bot if hunting pest's/portal, will sometimes click on a pest outside the gate with all the doors closed and will spam click it till it finds another pest to kill. so in theory the bot will have a brief few seconds spam clicking the pest while stuck behind the gate. my suggestion is after death, bot "if in pesthunter/portal hunter/ will attempt right click open gate, if the bot meets certain conditions "like all gates closed, and account is using melee weaponry". if this minor rare error is fixed, the bot would be flawless and extremely human like. Noah you are my hero.