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This BOT is extremely efficient, human-like and overall very good. Highly recommended, lvl 60-80 in a matter of 7 hours with a few breaks between using Mahogany tables. It got stuck doing nothing as it followed the butler as he walked away and froze on his dialogue box. Resolved this myself by Pause - Zoom out - Play (Dining room was out of view). No issues since. 10/10 one of my favorites on RM by far.
Thanks for the feedback!
Helped fix the issues i was having with it. No longer having any issues
i havent had any issues with it for both mahogany tables or oak dungeon doors, i would like to see an option for mounted mythical cape though! that would save so much cash
Mythical cape support may come in the future, but I haven't completed DS2 yet so not just yet.
Smahed out 50-84 in a couple of days thanks to this. Bot didn't get stuck once, works flawlessly if you take the time to read the inscructions and set it up right. Thanks!
Very nice, good job!
Oak dungeon doors are also not working at the moment with the bot, doesn't add or remove doors just sits there, it kept calling the butler but that was it. I have wasted over a dollar trying to get it to work, just to let everyone know to be careful as of now I'm sure it'll get updated and be great again.

Also, any Idea when you're going to add mythical cape construction functionality as it is the best right now xp/gp rate wise. Bot is great though would it it a lot more if that functionality gets added. Thanks!
Pmed you.
Used this bot from 60-99 construction using Mahogany tables. Only a few times the bot messed up when it tried clicking the butler and it moved away from the spot and got stuck but other than that it was great got 500k-600k exp an hour. I'd recommend this bot.
Fantastic bot. 330k/xph on Oak doors. Nail the set up and it's perfect.
Amazing! Author even will chat with you if you have any issues! Works for everything
Currently using it on mahogany tables like many others. It is not as fast as human touch mostly because the bot chooses NOT to remove the table before the butler gets back with more planks. Should remove the table and create a better rhythm. or is this anti bot? ha. Great bot. grreeeaat.
Bot fights between building/removing the oak larder and asking the butler to go fetch planks at the same time. Seems bot like.
This is intended as the bot will fetch stored planks from the butler and send it off when it has no more. This will not be changed.
Bot did not work on the Oak doors method, Contacted Noah by Discord, and he explained me everything in any detail! now its running very smooth! 5/5
i have a question , do this work with oak loarders? and how much xp hour?
Yes, but I don't know the xp/h. I'd say probably like 250-300k/h?
great bot , 83 con within from 50 within 24hrs irl time . bot only broke due to human error which is better than it breaking in general. ez gg
Trying to run using Mahogany tables but it seems every single time it builds a table it tries to talk to the butler to reload on 6 planks causing the xp to not be so great and also looks abit suspicious in my opinion, is there a way to make it so it builds all 4 tables with planks in inventory before getting more from the butler to optimize xp and minimizing risk?
I'm sorry, the butler logic was previously how you just described it but I had a lot of people asking me to withdraw earlier as their player was wasting xp just sitting there for the butler.
Works well most of the time but sometimes it clicks the butler without telling it to fetch planks then instantly clicks to remove an oak larder and repeats. Could look a little fishy but it serves its purpose.
It will likely go to send the butler by clicking on him, but when it clicks on him you receive leftover planks so your inventory fills up. Thanks for the review.
Only dung doors still not working.. can this be fixed? wasted 5 tries starting up lost 5 times 15 cents. no biggie but of course not what to expect
How is it that it’s working perfectly for myself and others but not you? Can you pm me here or on discord (Noah#4317) so we can talk and I can debug this?
The latest updated improved issues with the oak doors and made it run more efficiently. Been waiting for months, thanks!
Yay! Great to hear, sorry about the wait, but I'm glad it's all working smoothly.
This script really enjoys opening the door, standing there and robbing me of my money. I have followed the setup and nothing on my end is done incorrectly. I had no issues up until 74 construction but the oak doors method is flawed. Needs a way to detect if the doors are open and simply close them. then I'd imagine all issues will no longer exist.
Okay so I think I have identified the issue, it will be fixed in the next update whenever you get a notification for 1.4.12 being released. I apologise for the issue.
READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Works great -- will definitely spend a lot of money on this and recommend to clannies :) Thanks for the awesome script!!!
Take it easy, thanks for the review.
Nice script man, worked flawlessly on dungeon door first attempt. No clue why people are getting a hard time.
Great to hear, it's reassuring to hear others are also able to use it without any issues.