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Best so far, got my main to 99 without issues and my iron to 80 within 2 days. All good 10/10. Maybe the spam clicking on the ground could be more human like within a small region instead of clicking the whole body.
I used this bot to get 99 thieving on several of my ironman accounts which gave me a good starting cash stack.
Good bot but definitely bot like. Got temp banned within using the bot for several hours blackjacking. (50 - 60 thiev)
Isn't that... your fault?

I'm sorry you got banned, but considering the fact the bot worked perfectly for several hours speaks more about the quality and consistency of the bot rather than how "unbannable" you think it should be.
Works perfect! I did catch a temp ban however it was when someone was there blackjacking too. As always be careful while botting!
Sorry to hear about the ban, but I'm glad it worked perfect when you were running it! Best of luck in the future
It worked perfect for me, but now im having some issues when im trying to start the script and when its loaded 100% my whole client freezes. When i try to click something it says, Error program is not responding. Anyone else with this problem?
Unfortunately it was a side effect of a recent update. If you restart RuneMate and allow it to update, it should be fixed for you.
Good bot, fair price, it works like a charm. Exp fast af, just gotta monitor for irl players imo, just to be safe!
GOOD BOT. except be careful i got insta temp ban from 53-60 prob got reported. oh wellllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Giving 5 stars because it does work extremely well, which could also be viewed as a negative. The clicks are definitely rapid and not human-like, but that is the point. I have a small sample size, but I have fined this spawns more random events. I wouldn't recommend running this unless you babysit with notifications for random events set up.
I'll take that
Fantastic bot, fast XP. However has died a few times for me with 72hp using wines on fixed screen with no other plugins.
drop the price big dawg .
You think I should charge less for the fastest thieving xp in the game? Why?
Amazing bot, Just ran it almost 13 hrs straight. 83-91 thieving. 248k Exp per hour. Make sure to run it fixed mode no plugins. Thank you
Super chad, 99 coming soon
Thanks for the bot, generally works well but i only seem to be getting 100k xp an hour with 74 thieving.

To preface my comments, i'm running the bot in fixed mode per the instructions. Couple issues i've ran into:

1) When the bot seeks to unequip the blackjack, it drops a jug of wine and doesnt pick it back up again, leaving an empty slot for the coin pouches to fall into. I'm guessing this could be why im getting stunned so frequently and getting such low xp per hours

2) There is an inbuilt 5 min idle timer if there is another bandit in the room. Is it possible for the bot to just lure the other bandit out instead so time isnt wasted?

3) Xp per hour is incredibly low, i've tried with Cooked Karambwans as food and Jugs of Wine and xp rates are low in both scenarios.

Any support you can provide is much appreciated. If you're able to help on the above then i'll increase my review to 5 stars but for now its quite an expensive bot for it not to run in the correct way for me (do let me know if i've set this up incorrectly somehow)
This bot works fine so ignore the previous reviews. You need to learn how to read and set things up before leaving 1 star reviews.
Thanks for the feedback! Can't babysit everyone I suppose... haha
Doesnt seem to be able to switch worlds to buy wines, had to restart script and be charged several times because of this. Also 50% of my uses it has paused itself because it cannot lure and setup a bandit, so I have to do it manually.
cant get it to work, doesnt click on the bandits just hovers over them or it says to select a arget in UI
You have a plugin interfering or you haven't completed the quest.

If you expect support, don't leave a poor review due to your own mistakes. Reach out in a way that allows for replies instead of here.
Honestly its a good bot, havent had problems running it, only reason i dont give it a 5 star rating is cuz it doesnt seem to blackjack very efficiently sometimes. Ex: sometimes it just pickpockets the thugs before knocking them out like its supposed to. sometimes its slow to do the "double pickpocket" when the thugs are knocked out as well and only does 1. From what i saw on xp rates i could be getting easily 200k xp/hr at lvl 70+ and im currently 81 getting around 150k xp/hr, feels like it could be doing just a little bit better. Feel like this issue might have to do with the fact that the bot unequips the blackjack sometimes to stop combat, and my character gets coin pouches, but im not sure. Other than that, it works great, havent had any issues! (Ps. all recommended plugins are OFF and its in resizeable mode as instructed)
Multiple 99's - Perfect script, can't say much more than that - Have ran it on low levels, med levels and high's, IM/Main and never an issue as long as you pick the right settings and don't get yourself bonked :)
Amazing work. no more carpel tunnel :D Only thing is that sometimes the world hop if more than "x" amount of players doesn't seem to work on my end. It just highjacks the thug lol but overall its great :D
Script works extremely well. However, I have not put in any decent amount of hours yet. Is 110k GP/HR normal on thugs or is this slow for the script?
i cant get this bot running pls help me
Whats up with it? Have you read the info in the bot overview?

Read out to me on Discord if you require more help :)