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Nice bot. Averaging 240k xp/hr.
Works great without issue. Average 250k xp per hour
I gave it a 1-star earlier for not working, but seems to have started working suddenly. Incredible bot and got me 99 in no time. Sometimes it gets stuck outside the curtain, so just gotta have an eye on it every now and then. Other than that, pretty much flawless (only a few deaths for 99)
Other than having to keep an eye on the bot now and then just incase it gets stuck this script is really good and would recommend :)

Almost wrapping up my 88 Thieving on my ironman I have used this bot for many hours and feel as if I can give a good review. This bot NEEDS to be babysat. Author takes no responsibility in death as is labelled in the description and this bot WILL die. Especially against the bandits. The bot is better for the menaphite however, if you are an ironman and request the bot to purchase wines, you will probably get banned from the pathing. I don't even know how to put into words its pathing, but it gets the job done.. just not in the most ideal fashion.

TLDR; babysit, kinda expensive for 0.12 an hour when ardy knights is free, don't leave unattended, buy wines manually.
Get stuck setting the NPC attack option to hidden. If i Manually set it to hidden, it changes it to left-click when available, and in the bot it's saying "setting npc attack to hidden.
I believe this is a client issue, but the bot requires you have it set to left-click only. The print in the bot is a typo and will be fixed in the next version, but if you set it to left click yourself it will work.
Pretty good with blackjacking sometimes have to reset but other than that minor, unfortunately had issues and got charged a few times when using it an hour only once
Thanks for the feedback, sorry to hear you had to restart but I'm glad that it worked when.
Mostly works good. Works the best in fixed mode but not as well in resizable mode, the clicks are not as precise in resizable.
I have to agree, fixed most is the most reliable in my experience. For the large part, interaction and mouse movements are down to the client so I can't do toooo much about them but I have tried to remedy it a little.

Glad to hear it's working, thanks for your review :)
Run bot with all same settings as last time and working (with level 55 bandits) will attempt level 65 on other account later

Thanks for updating regularly
Third time's the charm :)
Unfortunately I have tried bot again after it didn’t work, set it up and it still doesn’t work, keeps saying can’t find any targets,

Tried 2 of the 3 available bandits to blackjack, even lured myself and bot still just sits there saying unable to find target.

Getting annoying wasting time and money
Send me your bot settings, just ask for help man if it's not working I can try and help you lol...

I'm running it now on the level 45 ones and it lured and blackjacked just fine.
have tried to run bot about 5 times, i select all my settings and go to run and bot does nothing, bot only starts to do a task when i spam click capture world (one click makes it pickpocket, another click makes it black jack, etc etc) and every 10 or 20 clicks it then captures a different world and bot tries to hop, wont do anything if i dont capture world, and pressing capture world never captures the world I'm on.

just wasting my money at this point trying to fix it, restarted both runemate, osrs and computer
Client API was broken but it's fixed now, bot works.
With the mouse multplier at 0.5 with on Runemate it still is going lightning speed with the mouse. It's doing what it's supposed to but it's definitely not gonna last long with crazy mouse speeds
So don't use it for long? Users would complain if it was slow so would you rather it be slow and complain or fast and complain?
Great bot. Only issue is that it will not purchase wines from the vender. However, if you manually take control and FILL the inventory it will head back to normal.
This used to be my favorite bot to use, used to be flawless now its just unusable :( Hope it gets fixed.. has a lot of issues
Definitely needs an update, just kept eating my cake even after setting hp % to 1%. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though
Works pretty well when it works, but I seem to have trouble starting it up from time to time. It'll crash; then I'll try it again, and after a few tries it'll work. This results in being billed for multiple hours over the span of a few minutes of trying to get set up, which is quite annoying (and unfair?).

When it works it'll run for hours and do everything it says it does; but getting it to a point where it's self sufficient is troublesome.
It's also in a loop when trying to lure, it probably needs an update :)
I think there's an issue with NPC targeting in the client at the moment, Party is aware but I don't believe a fix has been deployed yet. Check the announcements channel in the RuneMate discord server for an update
Pretty good script. Gave me no problems
Gets stuck constantly in combat then going upstairs then bugging out, gave me 8k XP per hour. 3k xp in total then just couldnt work. Even with me trying to guide it
Works great aside from a few things that prevent it from being fully AFK, I'm running into an issue when dropping my empty jugs of wine to buy more it sometimes gets hung up and freezes and I have to drop a jug for it to continue. Another minor issue is that it sometimes randomly unequips my blackjack seemingly with no reason. one final thing is it seems to be dropping one empty jug every inventory leaving one space open to collect coin pouches, I'm not sure if I'm misinformed but I believe you want all slots filled while blackjacking.