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Needs updated before being asked to pay to use. Completely broken, tried to teleport to the wilderness despite having zero logic to do so (supposed to be in my POH), and got stuck swapping necklaces so it failed to even do that. Unsure if it's trying to just get people to teleport to the wilderness before they're ready, but it will 100% teleport you to the wilderness when you press start if you have a burning amulet in your bank - BEWARE.
without "Use Chaos Altar" applied, it sent me straight to wildy with burning amulet

luckily I noticed immediately - be aware when using this bot

I had marrentil, tinderbox and POH teleports, however it chose to send me to chaos temple anyway
Badass. Thing is flawless. People really should read the instructions before hitting start. Ive used this on 4 accounts now, 1 ironman to get 99 prayer.
Thanks gamer, I appreciate the time you took to leave the review. :)
doesn't log at all at chaos alter. died 4 times losing over 300 dragon bones. the bot also does not take out noted bones or 5000 gp. which i have it set to. overall terrible experience
As of 5 hours and 4 minutes ago, the bot is fully functional and logging out INSTANTLY as soon as a player who meets the criteria you provided it spawns in: https://streamable.com/fo0iab

The bot withdraws the correct amount of bones, and coins, without fail as expected also.
Got 99 prayer thanks to this bot. Really efficient and effective. Cannot wait to train my other account with this as well
Lets go! Thanks for the feedback, great to hear about the success you're having :)
Used this bot to get many of my accounts to 99 prayer.
Noticed that for some reason it will teleport to lumby (after diving at the wild altar) then will go to the place where you start barrow gloves
Other then that, dope bot well done Hex
The RuneMate Pathfinder is choosing to teleport to Lumbridge based on your distance to a bank, if you have a suggestion on how to improve that, that's better off in the RuneMate Discord server or as an issue at the Gitlab repository https://gitlab.com/runemate/community/runemate-game-api

Alternatively, change your respawn location.
Another good bot by Hexis. Only hiccup I think could be improved is this exact scenario I got a couple times.

Routing to the Chaos Altar I got attach by the Fanatic and there was a PKer camping the Altar. Since I was in combat with Fanatic, it didn't let me log out and I got Pked
I know it's frustrating, I'll explore options to remedy this, but I appreciate the understanding.
Its working great! got me 77 prayer so fast at chaos altar, I had issues before but after restarting both client and runemate it was working as intended thanks dude
It works, but it's best to babysit when using POH of other players for gilded altar.
It doesn't auto join a house at the start, you manually have to click a host and then it will keep using it. If the host closes the house, it won't automatically search for a new one and will just stand next to the advertisement board.
99 pray with this, if you have your own poh gilded alter, you can run it overnight without much worries but slows down exp, use other poh when youre babysitting it for higher exp rates. 5/5 solid script.
Lol this bot must annoy pkers. It logs before they even know you are there. Works perfectly, good job Hexis.
Its fantastic at Chaos altar, only thing it would need, if out of bones and suiciding on the wine, that the bot does not log out, as there is no need to do so, if a pker kills you, it just helps you get back quicker ! :)

But its perfect in any other way.
Got me to 99 prayer using guilded altar and chaos altar. Very quick and efficient. Highly recommend.
Great stuff. Just used on my iron from 70-79. All different types of bones. Banged it out in around an hour and a half. Sometimes would get stuck trying to path to bank when I was doing manual stuff in between. But easy fix/issue on my end. Brought out 1500 wyrm bones, 500 daganoth bones, 50 superior bones & 300+ dragon bones, brought out 300+ bones every trip and never got killed. INSTA hops when someone in combat bracket logs in or comes near. Great stuff truly. Will be using this more in the future.
Unfortunately broken multiple times with a "nullpointererror". Essentially couldn't find the altar whilst standing in the house. Spent a couple of $'s restarting to fix the issue for it to break 15 mins later. Sorry for the poor review, all of your other scripts I've used have been flawless.
I'd have appreciated it if you reached out so I can help you, but we'll do it here.

I have none of those errors in my exception log for this bot, but I do see one for Construction. Disable and uninstall all external plugins. Restart both Runelite and RuneMate. If the errors persist, contact me directly and not in the review section that isn't designed for discussion :)
Really good bot, works perfeclty. Just a bit slow in rebank the bones, when tp from Burn Amulet he stay thinking, should take a straight path but he go south then turn to church. Exp rates is beast
This bot works really well, it logs out so fast when it detects a player in wild. Just got 99 prayer, cheers mate!
thanks gamer
Works well! I used it at another players home. I initially ran into an issue with the bot thinking the player was offline when I got the ingame message of "You haven't visited anyone this session". I realized I first had to visit that player from the "House Advertisement", and that resolved it. Not sure how it happened in the first place (I probably did something wrong), but after that it ran amazingly!
Works as intended i guess. The bot is a bit slow from walking from the Lava maze to the altar. Anti-pking works great, quick reaction. 4/5
Died twice in wildy chaos altar in 10 mins, hops slower than a human would.
Tremendous skill issue, get good.

Also, you're in the Wilderness. Did you expect to be invicible? Grow up.