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changed to a 3 because it keeps wasting ecumenical keys teleporting out when it has food left
not sure if this bot teleports when it sees other players? but there isnt a toggleable option for it so im assuming not

does armadyl quite well though other than that. the only death i had was when a world randomly went down
zara zammy unreal, bandos used to be good like a year ago... takes so much damage and can barley offtick pray the minions please fix
Zammy runs fine. Bandos is trash. Constantly takes avoidable damage and has trouble pathing. Bot is setup perfectly but it just doesn’t execute. I’ve bottled hundreds of TOA and CG on this computer without any problems so I doubt the issues are due to a “low end system”. Every cluster of bad reviews here is suspiciously followed by a 5-star review that blames the users for the bot’s mistakes. It’s almost as though the bot author is leaving those reviews himself.
Tested at Bandos, Sara, and Zammy. Worked great. DISCLAIMER! Does not use use new prayers yet such as Hawkeye, using the lower level prayers instead is annoying.
It worked great, but it needs to be updated to include the deadeye prayer as soon as possible. Flicking Hawk Eye is not it.
The one star reviewers dont know how to setup correctly the bot does all bosses just fine. its not perfect and needs some updates a big one is adding the new deadeye prayer to it. besides that it works great
gave the bot antoher go at a different boss, it did bandos fine. unfortunately the break handler I set didn't work which is fucking bad. pretty sure I got 6 hour logged.
I have sent zammy and sara and they both have worked really well. For sara I had no issues whatsoever. For zammy, it seems to have a problem traversing after crossing the bridge. After a manual click towards the zammy boss room, the problem seems to be solved. Great bot!
bandos bot working great for me. bofa method. not taking much damaga and 20+ kill trips. not sure what people are complaining about
I'd like to request a refund please. If your bot is getting the feedback it is, and you aren't making any changes to it, you need to remove it from the bot store. It is horrendous. You've cost me a lot of credits and GP in game from all the stupid deaths I witnessed. The only thing this bot does well is get KC. lmao.
I think i've set it up right? it banks fine bowfa method then gets to gwd and climbs down then does nothing at all and bot just says its still climbing down hole.. any help would be appreciated but not too sure about this one.
After changing some settings, the bot currently seems to be running ok, it has got 4 kills so far. So I have changed my review from 2/5 to 4/5. The settings I changed I cannot really see how it would have made a difference, but i unticked "Leave when out of boosts" even tho I was taking 6 range pots, so I was never out when it tp'd and I changed to restore pots from prayer pots. So if anyone is finding it doesn't work, try those?
would rate 5/5 but have to baby sit, used bot for all 4 bosses and have done 50-200 kc on each on an iron and only a few issues, but nothing major like others have stated
I have completed all CA's for prayer flicking, kills in instance for Sara, Krill, and Bandos. I have full bandos , z spear and arma c bow. The bot works fantastic if you take the time to properly set up. The only boss it slightly struggles with is kree, but still does great job when setup. Love this bot for allowing the skip of GWD grind on my iron.
This bot is broken in its current state. Used to use it for Bandos (worked GREAT), but has not kept up with updates. I would advise avoiding until it is fixed.
Get's KC, resets 6 hour log and then insta tele's out. Been like this for a while. Would avoid until fixed.
Gets kc just fine but it feels the need to tank like 4 hits while setting up shadow 5-0, and then proceeds to camp melee while flicking mage (on the wrong tick). so you just get railed by minions and graadors ranged attack when the script lags.
bot still 5/5 on bandos. For people leaving 1 star review, please learn how to properly set up the bot, watch for improvements in the proportion of pots/food and the gear set up. Refer to the wiki for a good set up and adjust from there since you wont need as many ppots.
Bot teleports halfway through kill for no reason. Full inventory, health and prayer points. Got zammy down to below half health and it decided to use dueling ring to teleport out.
Someone should create normal godwars bot, because this one every day goes shitter and shitter, just eats money.