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to be completely fair. this review is specifically for barb fishing portion.
needs to be babysat constantly.
will get stuck dropping fish. then repeat the process for 3 hours which is just great when trying to look human.
i do understand the whole... dont bot on an account you dont want banned. but i went to bed and its literally been trying to drop fish since i left.
The most slept on bot and the greatest discovery I've made outside of Hexis in general, and Gatsby's combat helper... This thing does damn near everything, without breaking a sweat and is cheap as hell (or maybe I shouldn't say that XD)
Fantastic on the ironman
solid scrip for some quick ironman gans
This script works perfect at the housidus house for cooking anything without risking any issues with a shit script, this works perfect!
great bot used it a ton so far on my ironman! <3
Used it for multiple skills and so far has been perfect.
This multi-service bot saved alot of time and effort being able to use one bot for multiple things. quick and easy set up. All around amazing bot!
Perfect for irons. Combines an insane amount of traditional iron training methods and haven't had a single issue with any of the available methods over countless hours. 100% give it a try