Perhaps I am just incompetent, which is why I use RM in the first place, but I am utterly clueless when it comes to the Sol fight with this thing. It says "full auto sol," which it's either not true or just not good at it at this point. I feel as though I've wasted a decent amount of money on a program which doesn't do what it says it does.
In terms of everything getting up to the Sol fight, it does its job perfectly. I hope that the Sol fight feature will be added in future updates.
If you want these issues fixed, it would happen a lot faster if you approached me with information on which exact solves aren't working correctly for you - as I'm more inclined to believe you're using the solve wave button when Manticores aren't charged, and then not stepping back behind cover and doing it a second time. This is due to the fact that the bot cannot solve correctly for an uncharged manticore, as its a 50-50 of which orb, mage or range, will come first.