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its okey helps alot but ive died so many times on the solve button fucked me loads of times loads so much money on death toll
As I've said to you in discord. I'm unaware of any solve waves that step you out into danger that then doesn't pray correctly. I'm aware of some solves it doesn't know how to attempt, and as such will stutter from B to A, and then do nothing.
If you want these issues fixed, it would happen a lot faster if you approached me with information on which exact solves aren't working correctly for you - as I'm more inclined to believe you're using the solve wave button when Manticores aren't charged, and then not stepping back behind cover and doing it a second time. This is due to the fact that the bot cannot solve correctly for an uncharged manticore, as its a 50-50 of which orb, mage or range, will come first.
God tier bot! Takes some time getting used to but after you got it is a one and only!
Recommend checking out discord, there is a lot of guides and videos how to use effectively.
Thanks King <3
Congrats on the Quiver
To get most out of this bot, I highly recommend that you already have knowledge of the Colosseum. This bot is best when you're seeking the convenience of not having to flick 2 npcs + Manticore south spawn your self. This bot possesses quite a lot of bugs, but I still give it 5 stars due to the scope of the project it's expected that it has it's kinks and the Dev being able quickly iterate through feedback.
Thanks King. We're getting there slowly :D 2nd ever project and I've picked a massive one.
This bot is excellent and has A LOT of potential once Echo has worked out all the kinks. If you have some basic understanding of collo and wave solves then this bot will make it easy mode for you. I got a completion using this and though I had a few times where I had to reset the bot I spent maybe a max of $2 something getting two completions. A bargain.
Perhaps I am just incompetent, which is why I use RM in the first place, but I am utterly clueless when it comes to the Sol fight with this thing. It says "full auto sol," which it's either not true or just not good at it at this point. I feel as though I've wasted a decent amount of money on a program which doesn't do what it says it does.

In terms of everything getting up to the Sol fight, it does its job perfectly. I hope that the Sol fight feature will be added in future updates.
Heya Oroperion.
If you aren't already please join my discord as there are updates there almost daily on the state of the bot.
In terms of full auto sol it is working for some, requiring maybe 2-3 movement commands manually by the player if you want to not tank the corresponding hits, other than that its entirely automated.

Right now its quite inefficient, and as such users without an extremely powerful system are having issues with full auto. I have managed to reduce the overhead by about 90% and will be releasing an update to adress it in the coming days.

Definitely a great bot and the price is insanely low for how much it helps. Would recommend!

The bot is still improving but got the quiver on second sol attempt after this recent update that avoids sand at sol.
Awesome to hear man, glad you enjoyed the bot :D
Thanks for the review
Makes colosseum incredibly easy if you have even the slightest knowledge of pvm/inferno. Great script can't wait for 0.3.4 to go live. Echo is very communicative too in his discord.
Incredibly intelligent - a few bugs, but will only get better. Incredible stuff. Echo has been helpful and I suspect that after the next update quivers will be flowing.
Not that good, often misses ticks and prayers, gets you through the waves after 10-15 tries.. Sol doesn't dodge have the time it's not "fully auto sol" like it says and was told would be fixed in the 3+ days that the update has been pushed, still nothing.
Wow, this review absolutely sucks to read. As you clearly know by being a member of my discord:

1) It's in beta.... The bot is 15c/hr for a quiver, something competitions charge $75+ for... I'm sorry that for that low low price it isn't up to your standard.

2) Sol is fully automated besides requiring you to step back a tile here and there, something that is mentioned everywhere in the discord, and something that I have addressed in an upcoming update.

3) Am I seriously receiving a bad review because it's in development, I've made changes and the changes have not yet been approved by the Runemate admins? That is something entirely out of my control. As you can see from the update log I have been waiting 5+ days for the fix to go live. I did my best to get a fix out as soon as possible, the fact it isn't yet live is out of my control.

Have gone back through Discord and figured out who you are. You ended up getting a completion with this bot? After I went through all your logs, and determined that:
a) a majority of your issues were Runemate related, something you agreed with, as you mentioned a large majority of other bots don't work for you
b) you had no idea of the content whatsoever, I helped you to the best of my ability, and a large majority of your deaths were due to you mishandling the waves
c) you tried to run the bot on update day, explaining why it didnt work

Thanks so much for this :)
Does its' absolute best with the waves and makes Sol a breeze.

Bonus points for having some Echo support, I got my sunlight gear using this bot.

Still being developed, it isn't perfect leave it alone level, but the developer is actively working to make it that way, and is receptive to feedback.
Used the full auto option for league with no knowledge of the Colosseum exept the invocation i should not take and was able to get my quiver in few runs, impressive bot!
Echo is a beast, any issues he addresses them ASAP. Great author, anybody leaving bad reviews are dense and obviously aren't in touch with his discord/or just doesn't listen. 10/10 Overall <3
<3 Hugs and kisses to you.
Bot's in flux in how broken it is (Sometimes it's eeehhh) but the dev's extremely communicative, and plans on implementing full-auto eventually.
use to work fine have gotten to round 6-7 with it before, wanted to try it again today with the same exact settings as last time and now it just stands there tanking damage wasting my brews. not sure what changed but its garbage now. tried 3 different attempts at trying to get it to work but fails every time flawlessly. when it works it does okay as a helper though.
As I said to you within the discord, and in the update log, the Auto Freminiks has been retired for this one push as I was rewriting it to be a tonne better. Kind of disappointing you didn't listen to what we said and took it upon yourself to reviewbomb the bot for it.

To everyone else, the bot works just fine, this review is simply indicative of 1 feature being removed for 1 push as I was upgrading it :')
Echo is the nicest and most enjoyable developer I have ever come across, he's very active on his discord server and is just a funny solid dude! Also his developing skills is top notch, cant go wrong with any of his products!
<3 Thankyou legend.
nicest developer I've come across, I had a few issues setting up and I learn very slow, but Echo personally coached me on my run. I got a Tonzal in my run. The Helper is (after a bit of coaching for me) very easy to use.
Amazing bot! Great job Echo.
Nice to see the progress of this bot since the first versions.
Keep up the good work!
Hey, so i downloaded the helper, setup my gear and uhh so i click start on runemate and nothing happens, please help me haha
Hey man,
Please join my discord (there's a button for it within the bot) :D
I'm a lot more active there and have tons of resources to help you out.
