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Echo Colosseum Helper [BETA] updated to v0.1.6.

- Now only casts DC/Thralls when in combat|
- Fixed known issue: Final NPC being manticore prayers not working
- Fixed a silent crash related to SolarFlares, now dodges them effectively
- Now dodges Tier 1/2/3 Re-Entry
- Now stops 1 tick flicking if the spellbook is open and the user isnt using Arceeus spells. Ice barragers rejoice.
- Wont delete chat from chatbox if not in waves.
- Added ability to turn off run when starting Freminiks
- Now initializes the set tiles once inside the instance, causing javelin dodging to work no matter where/when you booted the bot.
- Dodge handler now properly prioritizes tile B as long as there's no molten sand on it.
- SolarOrb dodger has been reduced to only work behind the safety of the NW pillar, to prevent it from ruining runs
- Added various warnings to help players who are attempting to use the bot incorrectly.
- Multiple silent crashes fixed :smile:

**Revisited Features:**
The solve buttons are recieving some TLC. Now automating the step out process for these various solves for you automatically. Whilst these are added in 0.1.6 I would not use them until 0.1.7 drops.

**Note:** If you make it to Sol the bot will misbehave, stop the bot entirely before starting Sol
Echo Colosseum Helper [BETA] updated to v0.1.4.
I have made it to wave 11, 5 times with this version with no issues!

Actual changes:
- Tick Listener now fires correctly
- Gear switcher back to old better version
- Now will use sanfew serums as prayer restores (but will use all super restores first)
- Bug fixes
Echo Colosseum Helper [BETA] updated to v0.1.3.

- Tick handler rewritten, works better
- AHK now only switches X items, where X is how many free actions we have this tick. This way it doesnt interfere with prayer. For now you may need to click the key a few times to complete larger gear switches.
- Fixed the various issues introduced in v0.1.2.
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.1.2.
**Sol Heredit Support! CURRENTLY UNTESTED**
- Blocks Sols 3 hit attack
- Parries sols grapple perfectly, allowing you to get that free max hit
- Dodges and attacks sols automatically with any 5 tick or 4 tick weapon.
- Users trying to do something weird with 6T weapons, sorry but it just wont work. Same goes for 3 tick weapons, itll only attack on a 4 tick cycle.
- Will prioritize tiles with no danger > tiles with just sand > tiles with no sand but sols AOE > tiles with both sand and sols AOE > tiles with laser
- May still have issues if the user gets pushed up against a wall, WIP
- Has its own gear setup just for Sol for those who want to bring a tent whip switch
- Will 1 tick offensive prayers during Sol
- Now has a special attack setup for sol and 3 types of usage scenarios
- Defense Reduction - Will spec whenever possible and available
- Healing - Will save spec and use it to heal/restore prayer
- Finisher - Will save spec until the final phase to ensure you have 100% spec on the speed trial phase.

**Other Changes:**
- Now switches to Magic panel when tryign to cast spells, improves how it works
- Now handles the manticores 3rd prayer
- Now supports low tier prayers for users without rig/augury
- Bug fixes (state machine, chatbox listener, etc etc)
- Now uses DI for thralls and DeathCharge, should work decently well from inventory too
- Now uses a new method for 1 ticking, making it a lot more reliable
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.1.1.

The Sol Heredit Overhaul. Officially beginning the beta period. Expect prices to come online once we see a few completions

- Blocks Sols 3 hit attack
- Parries sols grapple perfectly, allowing you to get that free max hit
- Dodges and attacks sols automatically with any 5 tick or 4 tick weapon.
- Users trying to do something weird with 6T weapons, sorry but it just wont work. Same goes for 3 tick weapons, itll only attack on a 4 tick cycle.
- Will prioritize tiles with no danger > tiles with just sand > tiles with no sand but sols AOE > tiles with both sand and sols AOE > tiles with laser
- May still have issues if the user gets pushed up against a wall, WIP
- Has its own gear setup just for Sol for those who want to bring a tent whip switch
- Will 1 tick offensive prayers during Sol
- Now has a special attack setup for sol and 3 types of usage scenarios
- Defense Reduction - Will spec whenever possible and available
- Healing - Will save spec and use it to heal/restore prayer
- Finisher - Will save spec until the final phase to ensure you have 100% spec on the speed trial phase.

**Other Changes:**
- Reduced CPU usage of gear switching considerably.
- Prioritised prayers in all scenarios to ensure prayers (hopefully) never fail on you
- Bunch of null checks and bug fixes, hopefully less crashes.
- Fixed a big with it not recognising minimus despawning and the wave starting (blame Runemates listeners, wasn't my fault)
- Death Charge added (sets the threshold based on your spec weapon + if you have a LB or not)
- Thrall support added (spams the ghost on CD if in the waves)
- Reduced CPU usage of prayer handling by ~35%. Potato enjoyers rejoice!
- Will switch to Inventory screen majority of the fight, this helps with gear switching (for some reason?)
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.15.

- Manticore fixes. Rejoice! The manticore now functions as it bloody well should have :smiling_face_with_tear: They now don't 1 tick to help those with bad internet not get instantly stacked out. Yes you will now use about 1-2 prayer points per volley, but trust me its much better this way.
- Improvements to dodging javelins
- Now logs all varbits for the Invocations, making expandability easier
- Now will automatically use Sat/Imbued heart
- Bug fixes, bug fixes and more bug fixes
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.13.

- Now considers LoS with manticores, and better catches NPC deaths, causing greatly improved prayer management
- Now dodges javelin correctly (will make a guide to the logic its coded with later, but shouldn't step you out into danger)
- Now properly recognises the wave you're on (useful for webhooks)
- Now will automatically pray against the last non manticore NPC for you if you're 1 ticking or using normal prayers. Lazy flicking I cannot figure out a graceful way to implement this, sorry
- Hidden handle freminiks options until rewrite is where I want it to be. Theyre really easy manually, just walk east and west, and hit all 3, use spacebar if needed to spec the final one :smile:
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.12.
- New Fremmenik Handler! (*Still not great, I personally wouldn't use it, but it sets the stage for future expansion well*)
- Now clears manticores future prayers correctly when they die! No more keeping a prayer up if they die mid volley
- Switch from relative to Minimus to relative to chunk origin, allow you to boot the bot up upon a crash not at wave 1 successfully. (booting mid wave still wont work)
- Will now run to the correct tile based on A/B/A+B manticore spawns.
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.9.

Will now use other Magic/Ranged prayers besides Rigour and Augury