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Echo Colosseum Helper [BETA] updated to v0.1.3.

- Tick handler rewritten, works better
- AHK now only switches X items, where X is how many free actions we have this tick. This way it doesnt interfere with prayer. For now you may need to click the key a few times to complete larger gear switches.
- Fixed the various issues introduced in v0.1.2.
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.1.2.
**Sol Heredit Support! CURRENTLY UNTESTED**
- Blocks Sols 3 hit attack
- Parries sols grapple perfectly, allowing you to get that free max hit
- Dodges and attacks sols automatically with any 5 tick or 4 tick weapon.
- Users trying to do something weird with 6T weapons, sorry but it just wont work. Same goes for 3 tick weapons, itll only attack on a 4 tick cycle.
- Will prioritize tiles with no danger > tiles with just sand > tiles with no sand but sols AOE > tiles with both sand and sols AOE > tiles with laser
- May still have issues if the user gets pushed up against a wall, WIP
- Has its own gear setup just for Sol for those who want to bring a tent whip switch
- Will 1 tick offensive prayers during Sol
- Now has a special attack setup for sol and 3 types of usage scenarios
- Defense Reduction - Will spec whenever possible and available
- Healing - Will save spec and use it to heal/restore prayer
- Finisher - Will save spec until the final phase to ensure you have 100% spec on the speed trial phase.

**Other Changes:**
- Now switches to Magic panel when tryign to cast spells, improves how it works
- Now handles the manticores 3rd prayer
- Now supports low tier prayers for users without rig/augury
- Bug fixes (state machine, chatbox listener, etc etc)
- Now uses DI for thralls and DeathCharge, should work decently well from inventory too
- Now uses a new method for 1 ticking, making it a lot more reliable
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.1.1.

The Sol Heredit Overhaul. Officially beginning the beta period. Expect prices to come online once we see a few completions

- Blocks Sols 3 hit attack
- Parries sols grapple perfectly, allowing you to get that free max hit
- Dodges and attacks sols automatically with any 5 tick or 4 tick weapon.
- Users trying to do something weird with 6T weapons, sorry but it just wont work. Same goes for 3 tick weapons, itll only attack on a 4 tick cycle.
- Will prioritize tiles with no danger > tiles with just sand > tiles with no sand but sols AOE > tiles with both sand and sols AOE > tiles with laser
- May still have issues if the user gets pushed up against a wall, WIP
- Has its own gear setup just for Sol for those who want to bring a tent whip switch
- Will 1 tick offensive prayers during Sol
- Now has a special attack setup for sol and 3 types of usage scenarios
- Defense Reduction - Will spec whenever possible and available
- Healing - Will save spec and use it to heal/restore prayer
- Finisher - Will save spec until the final phase to ensure you have 100% spec on the speed trial phase.

**Other Changes:**
- Reduced CPU usage of gear switching considerably.
- Prioritised prayers in all scenarios to ensure prayers (hopefully) never fail on you
- Bunch of null checks and bug fixes, hopefully less crashes.
- Fixed a big with it not recognising minimus despawning and the wave starting (blame Runemates listeners, wasn't my fault)
- Death Charge added (sets the threshold based on your spec weapon + if you have a LB or not)
- Thrall support added (spams the ghost on CD if in the waves)
- Reduced CPU usage of prayer handling by ~35%. Potato enjoyers rejoice!
- Will switch to Inventory screen majority of the fight, this helps with gear switching (for some reason?)
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.15.

- Manticore fixes. Rejoice! The manticore now functions as it bloody well should have :smiling_face_with_tear: They now don't 1 tick to help those with bad internet not get instantly stacked out. Yes you will now use about 1-2 prayer points per volley, but trust me its much better this way.
- Improvements to dodging javelins
- Now logs all varbits for the Invocations, making expandability easier
- Now will automatically use Sat/Imbued heart
- Bug fixes, bug fixes and more bug fixes
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.13.

- Now considers LoS with manticores, and better catches NPC deaths, causing greatly improved prayer management
- Now dodges javelin correctly (will make a guide to the logic its coded with later, but shouldn't step you out into danger)
- Now properly recognises the wave you're on (useful for webhooks)
- Now will automatically pray against the last non manticore NPC for you if you're 1 ticking or using normal prayers. Lazy flicking I cannot figure out a graceful way to implement this, sorry
- Hidden handle freminiks options until rewrite is where I want it to be. Theyre really easy manually, just walk east and west, and hit all 3, use spacebar if needed to spec the final one :smile:
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.12.
- New Fremmenik Handler! (*Still not great, I personally wouldn't use it, but it sets the stage for future expansion well*)
- Now clears manticores future prayers correctly when they die! No more keeping a prayer up if they die mid volley
- Switch from relative to Minimus to relative to chunk origin, allow you to boot the bot up upon a crash not at wave 1 successfully. (booting mid wave still wont work)
- Will now run to the correct tile based on A/B/A+B manticore spawns.
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.9.

Will now use other Magic/Ranged prayers besides Rigour and Augury
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.8.

Settings Panel now shows up meaning the bot is usable.
(Right now it will only function if you have Rigour and Augury unlocked, new push is in the pipeline)
Echo Colosseum Helper [ALPHA] updated to v0.0.7.