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Works great, only issue is that it sometimes does not grab a new dodgy necklace
Okay I must say this is probably the best bot out there in runemate! Started this bot from 55 Thieving and now I am 99 thieving with 18m xp! still going good! Thanks for the bot!
Excellent bot, works as advertised. Great profits and xp in addition nice break handler feature.
thanks for the review!
This one is super legit. Getting about 45k/h right now and its profits have been from 100k at early levels, up to 300k+ gp/h now at 82 thieving, which was extremely easy to get using this script. it's one of the only ones I feel comfortable running overnight and long sessions
Thanks for the review! :)
Awful, awful bot.

* EVERY TIME it banks, it runs into bank and stands still for about 5 seconds before doing anything, wtf??
* Eats PAST full, wastes food
* When eating at bank, it withdraws dumb amount (Amount u set, but that should be irrel)
* Very slow to responds to farmer
* Runs to farmer with no food in invent out of pause
* Clicks at exact same spot per farmer movement

Overall, poorly coded poorly thought-out bot. No idea why this has so many users, I would avoid at all costs unless you are speed running a ban.
Nice GUI, quick and painless to set up, cheap to use and so far reliable. Definitely worth the 5 cents an hour!

NOTE: I wanted to give it a 4.5 star review due to the few small things down below but considering my small critiques don't actually take away from the use of the bot I figured giving it 4 stars would be unfair and settled with 5.

If I were to critique it for improvements for a true 5 star rating:

1) It typically spam clicks the master farmer, even sometimes when you are stunned which gets me worried they'll notice the extremely consistent clicks and eventually hit with a ban.
2) Wastes time by running to bank and THEN dropping seeds after filling inventory instead of just dropping seeds while stunned (would improve time spent at bank)
3) When the "Heal at bank" option is selected it always has to double, if not triple click eating food since your character will eat and during the animation and delay time, it will keep trying to eat another piece.
4) Could potentially calculate how many pieces of food you will be eating and withdraw them at one time and eat on the way back out towards the master farmer area instead of eating, then reopening the bank and withdrawing the amount eaten the first time.

Obviously some of these things are very picky and do not take away from the use of the bot. Being a programmer myself I just see small things that could have room for improvement.

Ending statement; I will definitely continue to use regardless.
Thanks for all the feedback, and the review. I'll be adding changes to the areas you mentioned within the next update or two
Excellent bot. I have used from lvl 38 to nearly lvl 97 without issue. I have only used this bot in Draynor.
Bots Runs over 13hours so far.
dodgy neck still gets stuck better turn this off, and it runs perfect.
Last week alot of issues. keep logging out afther 50min. stuck at bank cant find dodgy neck.
BOT need an update.
Been using your bot for a while now, no major bugs from what I've seen. Works very well and has gotten me 99 thieving on two accounts. Very well done 5/5.
Thanks for the review. Congrats on the 99s!
Bad bot, gets stuck occasionally on withdrawing supplies which causes bot to crash and my char to logout. Could be made more efficient, but in a month not a single update.
In the one month it hasn't been updated, how many times have you let me know of problems w the bot? Ooof.

Since you're finally interested in letting me know, here ya go:
2/5 because I'm forced to babysit it due to bugs.

It pickpockets and eats fine with whatever you've started in it's inventory.
It drops the correct seeds when full inventory.

It does not get new dodgy necklaces when one breaks. (this has been the case since the old free one existed)
When banking it breaks entirely. It deposits the inventory then withdraws my half admiral pies repeatedly, even after running out. Does not get the 8 sharks I have set. Infinite loop of admiral pie withdrawal.

Not worth paying for until it's fixed, and will update review when it works correctly. I used to use the old free one and it worked like a charm, sad to see this paid one is worse.
Withdraws admiral pies? Sure you're reviewing the right bot? Those aren't even supported in any of my bots, and this one finds food based on name that is limited to the input box (so it shouldn't/wouldn't ever withdraw admiral pies)..

Also, since you have the time to review, feel free to post a proper bug report if there are actually bugs w/ the bot. here you go:
The thieving itself is fine, however when it comes to banking/runs out of food it runs in any random direction for however long possible. Also have to direct it to the bank to heal itself and once that's done, it doesn't know where the master farmer is even though its within radius and runs wherever the hell it wants.
sounds like abnormal behavior. bug report section in the overview.
very nice bot my favorite
does it fuck up from time to time? sure, but still gets 5 stars from me. has made me plenty of loot to not worry about the mishaps.
Thanks. If you ever have recurring issues, feel free to post bug reports on the thread and ill get them fixed
Well it's a good bot. I was glad to spend money on it as long as it lasted. Yesterday 3 out of my 4 accounts were banned at Thieving levels of 57, 81 and 99 (One with 71 was spared for some reason, probably nobody reported him)

I did 5 hour shifts with 2 manually inserted random breaks in between. The 99 account got like 18m xp before it was banned, so bank was made. Alltogether I made about 200m GP with this bot.

It's good, and certainly will make you mad cash, but beware of botting on accounts you don't want to lose.
Thanks for the review. Sorry to hear about your losses, but very nice job with the 200M profit. 18m xp isn't too bad when goldfarming :)
works great as a thieving bot been using a month and no ban however after couple of updates the steal rates are worse then before and bot gets stuck in ardougne fence while relogging which might trigger ban system do not recommend to use as of now..
works great
Thanks for the review! Cheers
Burned through $0.15 in about 35 minutes trying to get it to work. The pick-pocketing function is fine, but it just keeps glitching and double filling or completely filling the inventory with food at the bank. Has to be babysat. Not a whole lot of other choices for farmer bots, so what can you do.
double filling was caused by a backup function kicking in, caused by a client bug. oof
this bot is the best but the gate problem got my 2 account 99 banned so we really need a time for the update when u going to fix this bug ? should i stop using it till the update !
it would make sense to use alternate routes or not use a bot if you know of a known issue.. but if you're still waiting for an answer (even though I've posted about it on the thread), no you should not use the bot (or the settings you're using) if you know of an issue. waiting until said issue is fixed is the smartest thing to do.