Crush the Guardians with any gear!
The minimum stat requirements to use this bot are:
- 80+ Combats
- 55 magic (High Alch)
- 43 prayer
The other requirements to use this bot are:
- Slayer Helm or all slayer items in bank
- Potions you've selected in (4) dose
- Any runes for spells in bank
- Fairy Rings
For teleports and traversal:
- Please have runes OR teletabs for Varrock
(Default Bank).
If using POH:
- Please have Teleport to House runes OR teletabs
and a house portals OR a portal nexus with the
This and all my other bots are in Beta, if you have any errors,
bugs, or issues, PLEASE send me a msg on Discord PM, @dailywoes,
until my discord goes live.
If you encounter the "Illegal Item" error, it means you are trying
to use an item I don't have in my database, please message me the
item so that it can be added!
The minimum stat requirements to use this bot are:
- 80+ Combats
- 55 magic (High Alch)
- 43 prayer
The other requirements to use this bot are:
- Slayer Helm or all slayer items in bank
- Potions you've selected in (4) dose
- Any runes for spells in bank
- Fairy Rings
For teleports and traversal:
- Please have runes OR teletabs for Varrock
(Default Bank).
If using POH:
- Please have Teleport to House runes OR teletabs
and a house portals OR a portal nexus with the
This and all my other bots are in Beta, if you have any errors,
bugs, or issues, PLEASE send me a msg on Discord PM, @dailywoes,
until my discord goes live.
If you encounter the "Illegal Item" error, it means you are trying
to use an item I don't have in my database, please message me the
item so that it can be added!