Cuppa Varlamore House Thief updated to v1.2.0.
Cuppa Bots have a new UI!
Call it a fresh coat of paint, a refresh, out with the old in with the new, the more things change the more they stay the same...!
All 34 Cuppa Bot user interfaces have been completely re-written from scratch! (Besides Cuppa Shopper, don't worry about that one.) No longer using drag-and-drop, static elements, the UIs are all written in pure JavaFX. This makes it way easier for me to make sweeping updates the interfaces in the future, makes it way easier for me to add settings and new features, and is generally a nice fresh coat of paint.
The bots should now scale nicer to different window sizes, and the Break/AFK/Stop Handlers will collapse into a separate tab at smaller window sizes. Even more new features to come soon, including new settings to be applied to all bots.