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tested only little of it - seems to work well, but would prefer a version that doesn't require teleport tabs and/or stamina pots for those that don't mind taking a longer time
Thank you for the feedback and review!

Teleport tabs are essentially required, as the bot needs them to lure guards which aren't facing the right way.

Skipping staminas is tricky tbh, because the bot relies on quickly getting between guards. It's theoretically possible for the bot to idle to regain run energy, but that'll be roughly 2-3x slower I think. So not sure. I could potentially look into it though.
Works well enough. The bot for some reason seems to spasm and can't ever walk in a straight line, having the weirdest movements to the next point it needs to go, so wouldn't recommend leaving it unattended long term. Wouldn't mind paying for this if it were made more efficient and the bugs were fixed!
Totally understandable feedback.

The bot does have some pathing (and other) quirks, but should still work well overall. It's just a really unpopular bot/method which is why it's hard to invest much more time into it.

Thank you for the review :)
Works pretty well.

The pathing to/from the guarded area is all over the place for some reason, though, I would not run this with anyone else around - it doesn't seem to like running in a straight line :D

Also doesn't seem to use the memoirs to teleport despite needing runes/the book to work, but I don't really care about that.

Would be totally fine paying for this (if the first one was fixed) it's an underrated way to train Thieving
Regarding the memoirs, it doesn't teleport after getting a task (though I know the wiki recommends it) because it only saves a few seconds and causes the bot to burn through teleport charges very quick. It uses the book primarily when luring guards.

The pathing can probably be improved and I would like to.

Thank you for the feedback :)
10/10 Thieving bot! thanks Cuppa easy 99 <3<3
I dont really know why, but my bot get caught almost every time. I restartet it a few times, changed my internet connection, but it will still not work properly.
Hey, so it's really hard to help debug over a review. If you'd like me to help debug, you can always DM me. Ideally with a log (found in help > view logs)

That being said, my first guess would be either:
- try setting the bot to fixed screen size & zoom out all the way
- try disabling all plugins (you can save your current ones to a runelite profile) as some plugins interfere

Sometimes these issues also just fix themselves honestly.

As an aside, please consider updating your review in the future if it seems to improve for you :)
Got 99 thieving with this on 6 accounts :) still 0 bans.
<3 <3 <3
very good but the navigation could be better. its obvious its a bot just by the way it runs
Best thieving bot to use on the market for sure. Fantastic ease of use, great xp, no failures & its own setup. Would definitely pay to use!
Honestly, this one is a hidden gem.
I'm impressed. Runs soo smooth, pretty complete bot that steals artifacts for you.
There's the occasional missclick (where you get caught and lose the artifact), but great thieving exp!
I appreciate the kind words :)

I also agree this method in general is kind of a hidden gem, it's my favorite mid-level thieving training method. Glad it's working pretty well for you.
big time balling on this one! greatly done
Glad you're enjoying it!
Best mid-level thieving bot. I highly recommend it!
:D <3
This is the best thieving bot
Great and unique, does get caught by gaurds more often than not and seems to have exsessive world hopping which i don't quite understand, but exp rates are still superb even at lower levels - 5/5 as always Cuppa.