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idk if there was an update but I get about 200k xp an hour doing 3 rune bar items now, up from the 170k I had been getting. Thanks Cuppa

There was a little update that'd specifically improve efficiency in multi bar items. Glad it sounds like it's helping!
as usual a great script from cuppa, works flawlessly, the script to go to if you wanna get rid of some bars
works great for varry west smithing! thanks! greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat
It works, but I am incredibly baffled that it doesn't have a task handler so you can run it for a long time and use all of your bars up. Just like (non Cuppa) blast furnace, you can only run one at a time. Very surprising.
not cuppas smoothest bot. very slow and inconsistent. better than most.
Worked flawlessly at Prif Anvil - thanks Cuppa for another awesome bot. Almost maxed now mate!!
Another flawless bot from Cuppa. The only thing that i think would be nice is for the bot to be able to select the anvil from the bank screen since its still visible without having to close the bank interface (Priff especially). Would seem a little more human like that way but i understand that might be a picky request. Overall, bot works easy and exactly as intended. Planning on using it to 99. <3

That's actually on my list, it's just a bit of a tricky one programically because it's hard to be sure whether or not the bank interface is in front of it (especially depending on screen sizes). But I can try to look into it more :)
Simple and easy bot. Easily achieved 45-99 smithing. Cuppa is very reliable when it comes to his scripts. Please continue make scripts for other skills.
very good script the only thing is its very fast when it moves the mouse and banks maybe make it a little slower
Hey :) Honestly by my understanding Jagex doesn't seem to care a ton about mouse speed, especially on something as AFK as a smithing bot. But you can also reduce the mouse speed in Runemate's settings if you like.

Just click the Gear icon in runemate & lower the mouse speed slider as much as you'd like :)
Working great, would recommend to anyone.
Would love to see delay on clicking bank after smithing little lower tho, is approx 3 sec now losing valuable xp/hr. (priff)

Will take a look at the delay :)
Very good bot, used it for 30k+ steel bars on my ironman no issue.
The new release (10 minutes ago at the time of writing) seems to be broken? Does not get past "starting bot" in runemate, stuck at 50% progress. Tried restarting runemate and even my PC but did not work.
Hey, yeah Runemate was having some bugs a couple days ago, which was causing this for some bots.

But it should be fixed as of yesterday, should all be working now :)
69-95 EZ. Love that you can put custom AFK lengths.
Been using this to level smithing and it works fine. Easy levels with good break settings.
Bot still needs some work, camera rotations are easily detactable. Not what I'm used to expect from Cuppa.
I'll paste the same reply here that I left on your thread post:

Runemate inherently includes very slight variations in camera movement, it's built into the client itself.

That being said, when I run this type of bot on my main I personally turn off camera movement entirely. Just zoom out your camera in a way that both the anvil/furnace and bank is visible, and then turn off camera rotation. That's why all my bots have the option to disable camera movement, I personally don't use it. It's just for people who do want it.