Nevermind my earlier review - just had to restart runemate and runelite after the updates today and it works just fine on lunar isle! Cuppa reached out to me quickly to get it sorted
No issues, has done everything perfect. One suggestion -- the current stop is only time based. An option to stop the bot when it has purchased a certain count of what you're buying would be a great addition. Or any entry of a total number to buy.
I've been meaning to add this for a while, it's just a bit awkward if they're buying multiple items. But the total number to buy is a solid idea, I will keep it in mind
One thing i would really like to see with this shopper script however would be that it could use CTRL left click method to buy f.e. iron/coal at MLM, and use CTRL SHIFT method to hop worlds with. That would for sure make this bot 10/10
works amazing, buys 6-7k coal an hour at ordan with coal bag, very efficient and saves a lot of time. only issue i encountered is that the bot sometimes accidentally clicks the deposit box rather than the bank which breaks it as it doesn't know what to do. possibly user error, maybe fixed with fixed mode? not sure. regardless still 5/5 for how well it is done
Glad it's been working well overall! I have a couple ideas how to maybe improve the banking/deposit box reliability. Will be improved a bit in the next bot update :)
Works great, one recommendation is to add the ability to use coal bags, gem bags etc while shopping for max effienciecy. been using on my ironman and need LOTS of coal
Thank you for all your reviews!