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At first it didn't run correctly. Cuppa reached out to me and gave me tips on what could be wrong and after changing my Runelite profile and disabling my other plugins, it works perfectly. Great bot, will most likely be using to max my pure!
Amazing bot
So smooth. So easy going down your throat. Another grade A bot from Cuppa <3

4.5/5 only because I wish this had a minimum food req setting before starting the next fight. This is brilliant for use on my ironman, however, entering a fight with 4 or less food sometimes causes me to lose a kill. Granted, my stats aren't peak, but I just think it would be a neat setting to add.
Love the bot, love the script builder, loyal to him till the end.
I appreciate the feedback & kind words <3

I do agree ideally the bot should have an option for minimum food before starting fight; Honestly it's just been sidelined because technically the main purpose for the boss is the XP from fighting it and not necessarily the drops, so technically (as long as you have a bone weapon) it's still efficient XP training fighting a battle that it will need to leave.

That being said, that's just kinda why the feature was bumped down in priority but I should still add it (especially for people pet hunting, getting first spine etc). Will try to bump up on my list (just a bit swamped with the Cuppa Moons of Peril release right now)
Another masterpiece by Cuppa <3 ( Only if you could add a slight delay between killing regular Rats, he clicks perfect on tick each of Rat's that spawn. maybe add a 0.01 - 0.05 delay between killing them on that phase.

I suppose I can look into adding some more delays on the rats. It's just that people requested I make it faster and faster killing them (since they're basically 0/1 tick kills), so I don't want to add too much delay.

Will look into it though. Thank you for the feedback.
Amazing and flawless bot! great job!
Great Bot, can't fault anything, only addition i would add is maybe being able to use restores + prayer potions
Cuppa comes through again as usual. Amazing, flawless bot. Im not even maxed but I stay at scurrius indefinitely with this bot. Perfect player flicking, doesnt use a single sip of prayer potion. Im on 4k kills using this bot, I have the pet and have finished my collection log. Now using it for XP. Would highly recommend.
A Cuppa masterpiece.

106k Def/hr
35k HP/hr
760 Magic/Hr (alch)
33 kills per hour
310k GP/hr

I liked this bot so much I did medium combat tasks to prevent prayer loss at barrows and hard morytania diaries for double barrows runes to get more chaos runes.
I did hard diaries to get elite void and then got all void pieces and the elite upgrades.
I got 70 prayer.
I got the berserker ring and spent hours to get its upgrade.
I got a fire cape.
I even got the book of the dead to summon thralls.

I currently have 1400 KC with this bot running it for over 40 hours. I never have to bank as the bot will pick up food to heal and pick up prayer pots and will eat the pile of food when low as well.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Great bot, Likely to use again as it had very few issues and any that it did have were promptly fixed :)
Works well, haven't had a single issue so far (150kc)
Cuppa Cuppa Cuppa, is there any script you can't get wrong? 5 stars.
<3 <3 <3
5/5 been using it for 40 hours or so to gain 90 str.
It does very well in prayer flicking, and dodging the falling stones from the ceiling. I started at 60 att/str and it was having the time of its life killing the boss and its minions.
Once you get a bone weapon it absolutely wrecks anything in its path. The only thing I've noticed is that when you're using mage/range weapons, it will not as often dodge the falling rocks, and you'd take some damage, but that is about it.

I'd love to see a setting to what to spend spines on as a dropdown where you can choose which reward to pick from, its a niche setting, but would be awesome to see in action.

I'll add that feature to my to-do list :)
10/10 flawless with no issues
Good bot. Couple things I found while running ~10 hrs:

- Banks straight after taking last divine sip (while 5 min boost still active)
- Always takes high alch runes in inventory, even if we already have them in a rune pouch
- Sometimes doesn't use spec for a while just fights with 100% spec, then dumps 2 specs out of nowhere (trigger seems to be a bit off?)
Thank you for the review & feedback :)

I will add these to my list and try to resolve them soon!
closing in soon on 1k+ scurrius kills and im gaining plenty of experience. no pet yet. rly good alternative if you dnt have all the quests done for nmz
<3 <3 <3
Rating since I saw some other reviews - I have had no issues with it for the past 12 hours. I made sure I had at least 1 of the bone weapons and it logged me multiple since. Amazing bot, low risk of REPORTS from other players since you can get your own instance.

Player flicking is crazy fast - would love to hear if that has any effect on Jagex's detection, for example if that's for like testing purpose or general use. Thanks again!

Prayer flicking is indeed crazy fast with Direct Input on, but that's just what's required to use 1tick prayer flicking. You can of course turn that off if you'd like.

But regarding ban risk, I don't have concrete data, but we (surprisingly) haven't seen an indication of 1t flicking causing more bans.

A lot of bots have been using it for months now (including Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet) and personally I always use it. But it's of course a personal preference.
bots a bit suicidal... gets lost at the varrock castle constantly if the ge is set... and best of all loses its mind after each death and logs in and out repeatedly while reading searching for equipment standing in lumby well great lacks death walk too when it works its a good bot but if you sneeze well enjoy being soaked for your cash if you walked away and didnt set a logout timer in which case even if you did youll likely be missing all your gear in lumby up side is its not bank crushing to go loot your grave
You're the first person to tell me the bot is "suicidal", I've been running it about 40 hours straight and never died... What are you stats like? Maybe I don't have it eating high enough on lower stats?

Yeah there's no deathwalk currently because it shouldn't be dying much. And as you mentioned your gear is safe (even if you miss the grave it'll be at Death's Domain).

I'll take a look at the logging in/out thing, it should be just simply be stopping on death.

I'd recommend just using Varrock teleport tbh. I might remove the GE teleport because Varrock East is just closer.

Thank you for the feedback either way. Will try to improve.
Amazing as always. works flawlessly
<3 <3 <3
250 KC with a Ranged setup. Amazing bot!