Very consistent, runs for 10+ hours with no issues. It is worrying using it because it uses the deposit box very slowly which shows very bot like behavior.
The bot just uses Runemate's built in deposit method, so unfortunately there isn't a ton I can do here. Also it seems to only idle less than a second between clicks on my end; Not sure.
Raising mouse speed in Runemate settings may help, and if not tbh I don't think a couple extra seconds idling is added risk.
great bot with breaks and also random selection on mining which is good. Cant seem to get it to bank ores though will keep trying to dig when sack is full but i think thats me not setting it up correctly
The bot is working on my end and definitely should be. But sometimes Runemate can have issues temporarily.
Often these kinds of issues can be fixed by restarting OSRS & Runemate (or your PC).
You could also try try disabling all plugins (besides some like GPU plugin) as some can interfere with bots (you can make a separate profile on Runelite with your current plugins saved, for using when not botting).
Feel free to test using the trial version so you don't get charged, and let me know if the issue persists.
great bot. does every function smoothly and the random break timer is great. love it.
Ive been running it for 10+ hours while monitoring and its perfect, no issues.
will trust it to bot without monitoring from now on.
Hi, this type of thing can happen sometimes when runemate isn't reading game data correctly. Restarting osrs & rm should fix it or disabling plugins which may interfere. If it persists please feel free to dm me.
Another great cuppa bot, facing just minor issues such as the bot getting stuck when banking the hammer for some reason as well as the bot trying to bank an exp lamp from a random event (which isnt possible) so the bot gets stuck and eventually stops. Still a great bot.
This is sort of a RuneMate bug (with the genie handler, which is RuneMate side), however I've updated my bot to no longer try to deposit the Lamp. Should be good as of today's update; Please feel free to DM me know if you have any further issues.
3/5 bot works but the actions are quite slow, consistent 1-2 sec delays between actions where a human wouldn't do this. No issue so far other than the slow rates due to this.
I do kind of disagree that a human wouldn't delay a couple seconds after actions, since MLM is a pretty afk activity, but I'll add it to my todo list to test it out and trim the delays a bit.
I'll also add Upper North West to my list & try to add it soon.
Another excellent Cuppa bot. Personally used for several 100 hours without a ban. Great options depending on unlocks; upper level including hopper, bigger hopper, etc. Option to also grow cats - great for ironmen.
This guy is a genius and does a great job with every bot he does! Listens to the users and helps out when having issues! I hate to copy and paste this message but clearly you deserve all the positive reviews!!!!
I'm sorry to hear it. Unfortunately despite my best efforts bans are always possible.
I've never had anyone tell me that the bot got stuck behind rubble, and it has a number of failsafes that should make this impossible... If you have more info on specifically where it happened, especially a reproducible method, please let me know more info.