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Changing my review to a 5 star after cuppa reached out and helped me with some of the bot configs, now its running perfectly!
I've had nothing but good experiences with this, no deaths in over 100kc with 71 def, 81 str, 75 att. Dragon scim on stab for eclipse, dual macas for blue and d scim on slash for blood.
completed my collection log from 0-100%. only had a few instances that it stopped working. What else can i say?
Perfect, 12hours of running, made 30m. 5stars!! Bot works really great, didint died in 80 chests. Reccomended!
This bot is excellent. Running smoothly on a low lvl undergeared ironman. Can't wait to eventually green log the place with this!
The bot is running really smooth!! (all plug-ins are off). One question though, maybe i'm doing something wrong with the settings but for me it is not breaking the block of ice at the Blue Moon. It is just standing still in the circle avoiding the ice spikes. Is this something normal/ what a regular player would do?
Glad it's working well!

Yeah, the bot currently ignores the ice block, which is a strategy that real players do use because attacking the block doesn't defeat the boss any quicker & only does less than 1 fish of damage (I saw a lot of discussion about it when the bosses first came out especially).

I can look more into making this a toggle, but there really isn't any reason to attack the ice imo.
This is an amazingly well-constructed bot. I used it early on as an under-equipped ironman, and it held out better than I was able to.
Since getting gear though, It is seriously pretty much flawless. Cuppa is also very responsive on the forums and is willing to listen to feedback and help you make sure everything is set up to get the best experience.
Thanks cuppa!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Flawless! Never had an issue.
Done the dragon scim combat achievement with ease and I just paused to do the eclipse clone CA manually. Thanks for the awesome bot!
flawless script! I cant thank Cuppa enough for greenlogging Moons for me!! 10/10 would recommend to anyone
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Fantastic!! Worked exactly how id had hoped. A little weird pathing in the chest room when looting. Other then that works great!

I'm not seeing weird looting pathing on my end honestly, but I'll try to find what's going on
Unable to reply to my previous comment regarding the idling by the entrance door in shrine rooms. However last update has fully take care of this based on the 30 runs or so i watched. Great stuff & thank you.

Thank you for following up, glad it seems to be better!
Rate : 5/5 . Ran the bot for like 14 hrs+ in the past 2 days and working flawless . If you set up correctly your weapons , attack type and the spec weapon , no problems at all . Just your best defense gear and hit it on . Started with a cheap setup because i was affraid of dying , but after 30 kc without any issues , i just went full yolo with gear .
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Bot works flawlessly, expect that when entering thr shrine (chest room) it tends to stay in right corner right next to the entrance for few seconds after moving which seems to be really bot like and it does it around 50% of the time. Exact pattern
Hey, thank you for the heads up!

This doesn't seem to be happening on my end so I'm a bit unsure... I do have one idea of a potential fix, so it might be fixed in the next bot update.

But if the behavior isn't improved in the next bot update please DM me more info; Ideally a log from the session (found in Help > View Logs) with a rough timestamp, and maybe a screenshot of where it's happening.
I have been running the moons of peril script for a few days now, and all I can say is the script is perfect.
Did 300 kc without any problems. When runelite was having some problems and the script wasn't working correctly (not script fault) Cuppa even gave me a refund for the hour where I ran it.

Great script Cuppa, keep it going!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Cuppa always comes through, solid bot. If I bring a rune pouch and book, do thralls work? Thanks Cuppa

I've been meaning to add thralls to this bot for a while, so thrall support has been added in the most recent update. Thanks for the help testing it! :)
Excellent performance, average of 20 deaths per hour, The author is also super friendly and responds super quickly, helping whenever possible.
I like this bot Cuppa is always awesome, however I would like to see two things added: 1) Thralls if possible and 2) ability to set an offhand for the spec specifically, since using a 2h weapon primarily with a 1hspec your offhand has to be blank i think?
Thank you for the review and feedbacl :)

Thralls are on my todo list and have been for a while; They're just slightly complicated and my current account doesn't have thralls unlocked. But I'll try to bump them up on my list.

Re: Spec, it'll currently use your regular offhand while spec-ing if your spec and regular weapons are both 1 handed. I suppose what you're describing could be desirable if using a 1 handed spec (say DDS) but a 2 handed weapon (like a scythe) but honestly I think this is pretty uncommon? I'm just hesitant to add too much more bloat to the UI for a very niche & minor DPS increase in spec.
CUPPA! You've outdone yourself like usual my friend! Thanks for the amazing scripts, keep it upppppp!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Felt compelled to write this review after seeing a couple negative comments on here. I've been running this bot non stop without issue on my ironman with minimal gear (torso, zombie axe, dragon dagger, nezzy helm, veracs skirt).

Blood moon WILL slap you if you don't have at least base 80s and chivalry on quick prayer, as well as some higher defense gear such as barrows.

I have had zero issues with this, and it has just completed my first set after around 300 kills.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Definitely one of the best bots i've ever used. No issues, easy setup. 300+ runs of moons so far. Only died once due to a laggy world (200 ping) but other than it's been flawless.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3