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Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.54.
- skillers rejoice: Jagex added the ability to repair pouches using Abyssal pearls at Cordelia. I added an option to do so as well (so lunars are no longer required to repair pouches, just a stockpile of Abyssal pearls in bank)
- improved the logic for re-entering the minigame, to waste less time in lobby
- if the bot has a Rune pouch in it's inventory (eg for NPC contact), the bot will automatically add runes crafted to it (if they're the same type)
- improvements to niche logic for lower playercount games (better picking which barrier to idle at, casting NPC contact correctly if relevant, failsafe if "stuck" in barrier)
- general timing improvements
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.53.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.52.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.51.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.50.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.48.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.41.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.40.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.39.
Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift updated to v2.0.38.