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Cuppa ForestryWoodcutter updated to v1.0.5.
- bot will now use log basket/forestry basket if in inventory or equipped
- bot will now count anima-infused bark acquired
- fixed arctic pine support (again)
Cuppa ForestryWoodcutter updated to v1.0.4.
- better handling of nests on ironmen, to skip nests dropped by other players
- fix arctic pines
- count logs chopped
- fixes leprechaun event
Cuppa ForestryWoodcutter updated to v1.0.3.
Cuppa ForestryWoodcutter updated to v1.0.2.
- improvements to how the bot handles the flowering bush event
- fixed an issue where the bot continually restarted fletching when an event spawned
- properly ignores events if "Handle forestry events" disabled
- fixed the break handler
- improved bank pathing
- fixed an issue where the bot could try to bank event junk
Cuppa ForestryWoodcutter [BETA] updated to v1.0.1.