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Another good script from Cuppa, just wondering (for UIM), is it possible to 'discard all' through the settings. I find my UIM gets stuck trying to bank the items though it is not possible, I'd rather discard.
Works perfectly. I genuinely don't understand why other people are having an issue. Just set it to cut tentacles. It will get 50 contribution points per round easily. Ran this bot for 7 hours in 1 day to get my trawler outfit.

Glad it's working smooth!
The bot has gotten me the full outfit on multiple accounts, the negative reviews are because of skill issue. Cuppa as usual is the GOAT.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thank you for all your reviews!
fails to get 50points for chance at outfit consistently, this one aint it .
Getting around 100 points per game ( kraken mode ) so its all good for getting angler outfit. Im just unlucky tho 1/78 so far......
fails like 20% of the time when its impossible to fail. (Kraken mode)
Hey, sorry to hear the bot is giving issues.

I DMed you a bit ago with some debugging advice but didn't get a reply, so I'll post that response here as well.

Can you please try:
- enable direct input if it's not already on; it can help a lot as it's a quick minigame
- enable gpu plugin on runelite; it helps with smoothness in general on runemate
- disable any other plugins which may interfere, as a lot do with runemate

If none of these fix the issue, please dm me a log (help > view logs) and I can try to help more
Using bucket & paste made this bot perform flawlessly. the other method might take time
So similar to what someone else said, I currently ran it for 4 runs and just sat here to watch what it does and if your set to chopping kraken it doesn't work properly. It hover's over cut but doesn't click and sometimes i even watched it click to fix the rail when it didn't need to be fixed. contributions points never went above 40 out of 4 games. i haven't tested swamp paste yet but will update after.
Ran trial for 2 runs with chopping kraken. Sometimes it's a little slow in chopping or fixing railings, so the actions get missed. It's good enough for the angler outfit, but if you're farming for the pet, you won't get full contribution (with chopping kraken at least)
Ran for an hour (chopping kraken, 60 woodcuting w/ rune axe) and it scored less than 50pts three times.

Direct Input turned on, no breaks/afk
Hi, I'm not really sure what would cause this honestly. It should be pretty consistently able to get at least 50 pts.

If you haven't already, maybe try enabling GPU plugin (it helps reduce Runelite lag a lot). And make sure to try and use a low ping world.
Doesn't work for UIM. The bot deletes all rewards including Angler pieces. Earns a 1-star for tagging the script with "uim" but not even remotely working for UIMs.
I don't remember adding the UIM tag, I'll remove it.

Though I'd argue it does work for UIMs as long as you babysit it & collect the loot yourself, as other UIMs have done before using the bot. I could have informed you that if you contacted me.

Seems a bit unreasonable to leave a 1 star for a mistaken tag. Plus a lot of bots will "kind of" work on UIMs but not completely, because UIMs are (genuinely) less than 0.1% of the botting community. Please don't go leaving 1 stars on a bunch of bots because they don't 100% support UIMs.
Cuppa I've never had an issue with your bots except this one.. no plug-ins enabled, direct input enabled, and it's super slow to chop. Low ping servers, restarted runelite and runemate. Can I get some help?
Works awesome, got full outfit
Another great Cuppa script. Used to get 4 accounts Anglers. Wouldn't hesitate to use again!
<3 <3 <3
Another great bot from the famous (or infamous depending on which ScaperCircle you run in) Cuppa. I needed to get Angler's outfit, and this bot couldn't have made it any easier. It's simple to setup, works flawlessly at cutting tentacles along with all the other bots that do this minigame =P, and get's you Angler's outfit in record times. (Assuming you don't have Jon's RNG, LOL) Once again, 5/5.
<3 <3 <3
Outstanding very very VERY optimal bot doesnt waste time and works cuppa is RM GOATED
Used this for quite awhile... always works great and have yet to get a ban.. only full angler sets
You've made some fantastic bots, but this one is a miss. It doesn't click the leaks nearly fast enough to ever get enough points. I didn't try kraken cutting but I'm not gonna bother. Id like my 32 cents back on this one
Hey, I think we discussed this in DMs a while ago as well, but just to reply to this:

The bot should have already worked solidly with chopping kraken; But today I also released an update that should drastically improve the performance of filling leaks as well.

Should work much better overall in 1.4.0 :)
worked perfect
Cuppa, I don't review much but this and all your bots have been amazing so far bud keep it up.