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Good bot and does the job, little weird for pathing choice during air runs, especially on the way back itll stall next to fally river for at least 3 seconds, i end up watching and keeping up with the sticky spots... great job otherwise !
Bot pathing for Air runes seems to be buggy. Gets stuck on the wall near the water in Falador and then goes into an odd corner, then the bank.

Agreed, pathing might need to be worked :)

Otherwise, works well
Bot worked well for airs, it misbehaved slightly for earth runes, would walk half way to alter then back to bank then back to alter to finish trip, fire alter is horrible, 45 minute runtime and only crafted 250 essence, watched it after every click it just sits for 30 seconds before next click,

as for body runes ( 3 months ago) worked well and got 80RC on 2 F2p accounts 15+ hour runtimes 5 times a week for 3 weeks and no bans.
Honestly you probably are right. This bot could probably use some revisiting when I get the chance, especially the pathing. Thank you for the heads up.
uim mode please? XD
i ran this bot for 15 hours doing body runes and did not get banned
Nice <3
rubbish ,use it for like 15min and got banned !!

dont use it
I'm sorry you got banned. It's extremely uncommon to get banned that quickly... If you used any other bots within the past couple weeks it is also possible they were the cause of the ban, as Jagex often delays bans. But I am sorry either way.

Out of curiosity, are you on the Vanilla client or Runelite? For what it's worth, (anecdotally) there seems to be a common trend that botters are getting banned *way* less on Runelite than Vanilla (using Runemate). So if you decide to continue botting, I strongly recommend using Runelite if you haven't been already.

If you have any further feedback on specific ways you think the bot could be improved/to reduce risk (eg. unnatural behavior or getting stuck at all), please feel free to let me know.
I love it
There are absolutely pathing issues on air altar. Also, spams run energy button when there is 0% or 1% energy only. I wouldn't run this for long.
no issues
good bot works well
The path to air runes altar is a bit sketchy when exiting falador gates goes West then south then west then south....
The man knows what he's doing. Great bot as always.
not working after update at 2022.02.09
Yeah Runemate was broken this morning due to today's game update. Admins fixed the issue & everything should be working again :)

As always please restart OSRS & Runemate before continuing to bot.
I started it in the ge and it ran to falador, it got stuck on the falador town wall but once i guided it inside the city it worked well
great for the first load, then it wont withdraw essence and keep the talisman at the same time... goodluck 2nd load
Please read the usage instructions before leaving a 1 star review on a free bot...

- have rune essence (or pure essence) in the bank
- equip a tiara
- start the bot anywhere near the altar, the bank it'll use or the path it will traverse

You need to equip a tiara, the bot doesn't officially support using talismans. This was intended to be a very simple basic bot, and using a tiara is much more common than using talismans.
Only have run some of the beginning runes. Mind rune altar gets stuck running into the dwarf area south of ice mountain almost constantly.

So far Air has worked pretty well.
air and fire work flawlessly. 1-55 rc so far and going.
Excellent F2P script. The only issue I've noticed is with Fire runecrafting. It fails to recognize a fire tiara. I tried with it equipped and with it in the bank but it cannot locate. I was able to pause the script then manually equip it afterwards then it runs just fine. Had no issues at all with air runecrafting
Perfect! No bugs atm for me, runs good, maybe add stamina-potion option, so the bot can take a zip at the bank when the potions runs out :-) Much faster! Makes those first levels go afk, and i use the time on somthing other boring stuff :D