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Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.2.2.
- improved checks so that the bot won't accidentally ignore loot dropped from NPCs before leaving the room
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.2.1.
- bot will now properly calculate & collect the number of fish selected (unless it runs out of time)
- checking for Youngllef/Enhanced seed drops won't trigger when a clan member gets them (lol)
- add banner prompting botter to use fixed screen mode
- waits at least 1 full tick after opening room/killing NPC before moving to next room (so we don't accidentally ignore drops)
- (I think) fixed an issue where the bot could get stuck enabling/disabling prayer if it gets hit by an NPC on the very edge of the start room
- if we have an empty vial & pass a grym root, the bot will take it even if we already colected "enough" Grym leafs (because we might as well)
- now properly tracks the amount of leafs collected
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.2.0.
- bot will now teleport to that start room & complete prep if low on time (will cook whatever food it has, make whatever weapons & armor etc)
- fixed a very weird bug where the bot would sometimes ignore resources (like the fishing spot) or skip rooms some of the time
- paddlefish goal amount is now an editable option
- updated UI to show completions/deaths/leaves in a per hour format as well
- when the bot has a full inv & is collecting a resource (say 3 ores) it'll drop all the needed fish rather than 1 at a time
- fixed one edge case that can cause the bot to get stuck with `Didn't find next step.`
- fixed an edge case where the bot could leave if it has a full inventory of resources but no weapon frame in the first few rooms
- bot will now only collect the select amount of grym leafs (rather than collecting the amount of potions; the distinction being that previously the bot could get stuck trying to collect another leaf if it finished a potion right before finishing prep)
- a number of miscellanious other reliability tweaks
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.1.3.
- fixed a bug where the bot would run much slower if Mouse Scrollwheel Camera Zoom was disabled in OSRS settings (basically the bot would have periodically tried to zoom out when it couldn't, wasting time)
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.1.2.
- added a toggle for a "benchmark mode" (in the Progress Log section) that'll print extra efficiency logging data to the log. If the bot seems to be delaying longer than it should after some action, enable this for a few runs and send me the log
- (by popular request) bot will idle 10-20 seconds after getting an enhanced seed or pet, rather than re-entering instantly
- some other minor backend changes
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.1.1.
- added a toggle for stopping when the bot gets an enhanced crystal seed drop
- added more alternative (mirrored) variations of gauntlet routes
- slight speeding up to backtracking by caching checked rooms
- bot will now log the FPS on death (probably not too important these days)
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.1.0.
- greatly improved the computational efficiency of querying data during the hunllef fight, and also during prep; should require a lot less CPU resources & be smoother
- added an option to drop items (mostly useful for UIM)
- added (optional) DirectInput handling of prayers during prep as well
- fixed (another) issue where the bot would rarely do the outer route with only a sceptre
- fixed (niche) issue where the bot might get confused & leave if it crafts all armor pieces on first rotation but had zero fish
- (hopefully) fixed bug where the bot could get confused looting 2 piles directly next to each other
- some improvements to pathing
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.0.2.
- added high alching as an option
- bot will drop junk items if on an UIM
- fixed an issue causing loot to not always be tracked
- fixed a rare crash
- bot will now show some info if slow calculations are causing suboptimal performance
- some other tweaks & fixes
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.0.1.
- will only safespot small monsters behind epics if below 65 defense (to avoid wasting time)
- improvements to logic eating before entering the boss room
- tweak how long we keep prayer on during prep (tolerance once danger is "gone")
- a few other small things
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.0.0.
- if we're being attacked by a strong monster while fighting a demi boss, it'll safespot the strong monster on the demi boss
- bot will now eat & equip the correct weapon in the prep room before walking into the fight
- tweaked hunllef tile weightings to avoid tornados even more, better handle 1 tile paths, and avoid stepping onto tiles just spawned
- fixed an issue where it'd (momentarily) try to walk somewhere unwalkable when dropping items
- fixed an issue where drops could be ignored if they were just outside the current room
- fixed a bug calculating how much paddlefish to drop when collecting 4+ grym leafs
- prints more useful logging info