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Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.7.
- fixed a number of edge cases where the bot could get stuck/lost while prepping
- fixed an issue where the room can incorrectly be considered not-illuminated
- made it an optional toggle to "disable steel skin/augury/rigour when out of potions"
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Reactions: SnakeOre
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.6.
Cuppa Gauntlet & CorruptGauntlet v0.3.5 & v0.3.6
- fixed an issue where the bot could get stuck swapping scout/current rooms
- fixed an issue with "Steeping through route to our null"
- fixed an issue causing some walking back and forth in the start room
- fixed a bug where the bot would briefly walk out of the room after teleporting
- reworking how the bot decides a room is illuminated
- improved the items required list to be more clear
- minor logging changes
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.5.

I forget what changed here. See v0.3.6 instead.
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.4.
- modified the outer route to cut corners & save time
- if the bot is in the lobby & any prayers are on, it'll turn them off
- if the account is a UIM, the bot will stop when the inventory is full
- improved failsafe for avoiding fighting in the outer loop with only a sceptre
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.3.
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.2.
- made DirectInput a toggle (so it's a bit more clear if you have it on or not)
- fixed a bug causing the bot to swap weapons too often
- bot shouldn't delay as much if teleported into the boss room while cooking
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.1.
Cuppa Gauntlet & Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet v0.3.0 and v0.3.1
- added (optional!) Direct Input; Direct Input is an experimental Runemate feature that allows the bot to perform certain actions without needing to move the mouse; This can make the Hunllef fight more responsive, though you can turn it off in RUNEMATE'S SETTINGS (the gear icon) if you don't want to use it
- made the amount of potions/grym leafs to collect a customizable option
- made steel skin an optional toggle (only relevant if you don't have augury/rigour)
- improved the accuracy of how many shards need to be collected (to collect less extra shards)
- optimized the code more, so it does certain checks less often, and will iterate slightly faster (most noticable when picking up items, but shaves ~50-100ms of processing off every bot cycle)
- fixed an issue causing the bot to sometimes mistakenly fight demi-bosses/hunllef with the sceptre
- fixed a time waste that arose from scouting certain rooms
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Reactions: Hypo222 and djazmes
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.0.
See v0.3.1 for update log
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.2.4.
- slightly improved speed at picking up items from different stacks
- lowered the amount of small monsters it kills in the first rotation (should be slightly quicker prep)
- adjusted the tile weightings so the bot is alright with walking closer (for tighter turns)
- made the bot eat slightly less when there's no tornados, and slightly more when there is tornados
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Reactions: Hypo222
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.2.3.
Cuppa Gauntlet & Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet v0.2.2 (small fixes in v0.2.3)
- fixed phase 3 hunllef "safe" tiles
- bot shouldn't kill NPCs when all the shards it needs are on the floor
- general code optimizations, removed some unused code, speed up other code, to have less wasted processing time
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Reactions: Hypo222