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Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.2.2.
see v0.2.3 for updates
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.2.1.
- (hopefully) fixed a bug causing the bot to sometimes get stuck toggling protect from prayers
- bot will now drop paddlefish closer to the range after first rotation
- bot won't randomly kill a med monster when it doesn't need shards
- failsafe to better handle the situation where the bot "can't find the next step"
- fix for bot rarely getting stuck being "Close to our flag" in the Hunllef fight
- reduced delay after lighting node
- better handling of edge case data
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.2.0.
Cuppa Gauntlet & Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [Beta] v0.1.0:
- Split Gauntlet & CorruptedGauntlet into two separate bots. Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet can do either (for convenience if you want to do a mix), but Cuppa Gauntlet can only do regular gauntlet. This split is because the final price(s) for the bots will be different, though the difference is small now.
- Drastically reworked & improved the Hunllef tile calculation logic. Now much more accurately calculates the "best" tile to run to (to avoid dangerous tiles & tornados), and avoids recalculating it more than it needs to. Essentially, makes much more decisive movements during the Hunllef fight.
- Updated the calculation of how far we are from tornados, so it has a better understanding of how close they are.
- Tweaked the value to eat at slightly in the Hunllef fight, so it won't be taking quite such large risks.
- Tweaks to how much the bot wants to avoid tornados.
- If the bot encounters a Corrupted/Cystalline spike, it'll now pick up & grind it rather than ignoring it.
- Pretty drastically improved item pick up speed, when picking up large stacks.
- Faster tab switching, for inventory & prayer.
- Cleaned up a lot of unneeded code, improving efficiency in general.
- Probably other stuff, I don't remember everything.

Cuppa Gauntlet & Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [Beta] v0.1.1:
- Just fixed an issue causing tabs to not open properly for some botters.
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Reactions: djazmes
Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.1.0.

Check v0.1.1 for the update log, released 20 min after v0.1.0
Cuppa Gauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.0.13.
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Reactions: odin36
Cuppa Gauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.0.12.

- fixed a bug causing the bot to sometimes directly target a danger tile (lol)
Cuppa Gauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.0.11.
- fixed the above bug where the bot would sometimes walk back and forth onto danger tiles
Cuppa Gauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.0.10.
- fixed the above bug related to vials
- optimized Hunllef tile targetting logic EVEN MORE (~80 to 40ms average on my PC)
- when there's no tornados, the bot will now pick the closest safe tile (not a weird choice of 2 tiles away for no reason)
- better handled a rare situation where we somehow had too many grym leafs
- bot now correctly prays Ranged when teleported in (when out of time)
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Reactions: sk1ll3r
Cuppa Gauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.0.9.
- optimized Hunllef tile targetting logic even more (~150 to 80ms average on my PC)
- fixed bug where the bot would get confused picking up items right next to the singing bowl
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Reactions: sk1ll3r