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Note: This bot is specifically for the Corrupted Gauntlet. For the Regular Gauntlet, check out Cuppa Gauntlet


Automatically completes the Corrupted Gauntlet, or the Regular Gauntlet.

Looking for a Guide for this bot, or Debugging Advice? Check this thread: Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet Guide & Debugging

  • Song of the Elves completed
  • Reasonably high combat stats
  • higher stats required for Corrupt Gauntlet, Augury & Rigour recommended
  • a stable internet connection & stable PC fps; if the bot lags during the hunllef kill it will likely die

How to use:
  • have talked to the NPC outside the gauntlet at least once before
  • (for Corrupt Gauntlet) have had at least 1 regular gauntlet KC before
  • start the bot in Prifddinas or near the Gauntlet (not inside the Gauntlet!)
  • select desired options and click "Run"

  • defeats both the Regular & Corrupt Gauntlet
  • fully autonomously prepares supplies & fights the Hunllef efficiently
  • collects T1 armor, potions, food, and crafts everything needed
  • highly customizable settings
  • (optional) Augury, Rigour, Piety & Chivalry support
  • paths efficiently & scouts rooms when useful
  • smart multitasking (such as fighting while fishing, prepping potions while running, etc)
  • in-bot settings optimization recommendations
  • option to leave runs early if unlucky on resources
  • option to high alch loot
  • option to use direct input, & hopping mouse, for faster and more accurate clicks/performance
  • option to one-tick prayer flick, meaning you'll never run out of prayer points
  • option to use the 5:1 method for faster kills & prep, prioritizing Staff or Bow
  • option to skip armor entirely, for Combat Achievements or just very fast preps
  • option to worldhop periodically to other low-ping worlds
  • human-like decision making: attempts to optimize macro play in a similar way to real players
  • solid GP/rewards (depending on levels), solid combat XP

Optional "Helper Mode":
Normally, Cuppa Gauntlet & Corrupted Gauntlet are fully automatic.

But with optional Helper Mode is a special mode which can be used for semi-manual play. Direct Input is strongly recommended. With Helper Mode enabled, the bot will handle:
  • Offensive & Defensive prayer handling (in prep & the Hunllef fight), including optionally 1tick prayer flicking
  • Eating food when low HP
  • Drinking potions when low prayer or run energy
  • Switching weapons during the Hunllef fight
With Helper Mode, the rest if up to you!

Features in all of CuppaJava's Bots:
  • Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
  • Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
  • Customizable AFK handler, to idle the bot for a little while periodically.
  • Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
  • Intelligent delays between actions.
  • Progress log with a bunch of info.
  • My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!

There is a high chance the bot will die at some point. Please do not run this bot on a HCIM.


Progress Logs:














First release
Last update
4.67 star(s) 297 ratings

More resources from cuppajava

Latest updates

  1. Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet v1.9.4 Released!

    Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet updated to v1.9.4.
  2. Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet v1.9.3 Released!

    Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet updated to v1.9.3. - improved logic so bot will collect other resources...
  3. Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet v1.9.2 Released!

    Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet updated to v1.9.2.

Latest reviews

The bot itself is basically 99% flawless, super impressive to watch it work! I caught a 2 day ban after 136 CG kc in 4 days (about 6 hour stints) not sure what i could've done to prevent this, but time to run it on the back up account with different settings XD
It's the most used bot for a reason. Cuppa is the GOAT. Almost 800 kills with less than 100 deaths. If you run into any troubles, I strongly encourage reaching out to Cuppa on his Discord. Super helpful dude.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
over 2000 CG completions so far, flawless bot

thank you emo chad
Ignore the recent 1 star review... Some people don't know how to bot... This bot works amazing i run it for 4-5 hours a day after work and i am over 500kc and running strong with 1 enhanced seed so far! keep up the good work <3
Dont get this. It will get you banned. Got my main banned from 30 runs with 5 breaks also...
I'm sorry you got banned. That sounds extremely unlucky, and that is not the norm at all.

If you've used any other bots on this account in the past, I'd say it's very likely due to that, as Jagex often delays bans.

Sorry to hear it either way. Hopefully it was a temp.
Great bot but my luck on the kc for the enhanced seed is in the trash can 460 kc and still nothing

If it's any consolation, at 460kc for a 1/400 drop, you had a roughly 30% chance to be this dry. Kinda unlucky, but I'm sure it'll turn up soon! :D
Amazing, helped me through the red prison
This bot is amazing. I have an ironman account and ran this nearly non-stop for 4 days straight and was hit with a 2-day ban. I was going to blame the bot because I noticed the bot died a little more than usual that night, but I sat my ban out and waited a little bit after to bot again.

I now run it only 8 hours a day and I got my enhanced seed finally! Thank you Cuppa. Your bot is flawless and I realized quality bots like yours are only flagged if you bot non-stop like an idiot!
I'm glad to hear you got the enh after all! :D
Just amazing, all of it.
I've used this bot on previous accounts for hundreds of kcs and find that it's fascinating and amazing to watch. But my newest account with high 80 mage & range dies 19/20 kc. Idk if the settings have been changed sincd prior useage but it wastes a lot of time before hunleff causing it to start with barely any food.. Any help would be amazing- GPU plug-in is enabled.
Hey, not much has changed in the bot lately honestly. If it seems to be wasting time, that'd probably be some form of (pc/runemate) lag honestly.

General advice would be (if you don't already have these things set): enable gpu plugin, enable direct input, close other programs/plugins which may cause lag. Beyond that I'd recommend the general debugging: https://www.runemate.com/community/threads/cuppa-gauntlet-cuppa-corrupted-gauntlet-debugging-guide-recommendations.23966/

If it persists you can always dm me :)