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banned after 10 hours use spread out over 3-4 days. See many low level bot accounts running blast mines all day with 99 mining so clearly there's better blast mine bots out there.
I'm sorry you got banned. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, bans are always a possibility.

There's a lot of luck involved, so the bots with 99 mining at blast furnace are forming a survivor bias; They could very well be using my bot as well, and there's surely thousands of accounts using other bots that get banned quick/quicker.

Out of curiosity, are you on the Vanilla client or Runelite? For what it's worth, (anecdotally) there seems to be a common trend that botters are getting banned *way* less on Runelite than Vanilla (using Runemate). So if you decide to continue botting, I strongly recommend using Runelite if you haven't been already.

If you have any further feedback on specific ways you think the bot could be improved/to reduce risk (eg. unnatural behavior or getting stuck at all), please feel free to let me know.

Anyway, again, sorry to hear it.
Excellent bot, runs flawlessly. As others have said, Blast Mining has begun to be watched more closely by Jagex. I used to run Blast Mining for 8-10 hours a day with no bans, and now I have accounts catching bans running for just 3-4 hours a day at Blast Mining. Still a fantastic script if you want to run it for shorter periods of time or you're not worried about bans!
Cuppa, you know I respect all of your bots.

I have been using them on and off on my main account. Last week had a PMV war so switched a lot of content.

Monday the war was over, I finished 99 fishing (500k exp) with breaks through tempoross. No problem. I let my account do some blastmining for a few hours (circa4-5) with breaks aswell. My main account got a soft 2 day ban.

I never use any other bots and switch content very quicky;
I just feel kind of "betrayed" by Jagex when you see all en garagoyle bots, tanning bots, zulrah bots,... And then they catch 'my needle' out of the haysack.

No negative rating, just fyi Cuppa!
*sips coffee*
Every cuppa bot I've used is 5/5. This is what peak bot scripting genetics looks like.
Only thing I can fault is that when I want it to run for along time overnight, I cant seem to get my ores to deposit into my bank and it crashes even when the setting is on. But apart from that 5/5
I can only assume the person before me is reviewing the wrong bot as there is no fountain or sandstone in the blast mine as far as im aware, ran this bot for over 150h split via multiple accounts and no ban, would recommend to anyone.
works perfectly for everything, the only bug i found was it always gets stuck going to fountain on sandstone,
Does exactly as it is meant to, never gets stuck and extremely human like
i lov u
I've been using Cuppa's bots for a while now, and all i can say is this guy is legit. He really is doing some amazing work here. Something you have to appreciate with Cuppa is that he is really good at receiving negative/positive feedback, and always open for suggestions. Would give more stars if i could. God bless you Cuppa.
Really really great!
Almost flawless!
The only thing i found that was a bit janky was the break system, it would time out and the bot would turn off during the break (left it at default).
I'm taking manual breaks anyway though so no problems
Oh, that's definitely an unintentional interaction. I'll make sure to fix that soon, thanks for letting me know!
Does what i says, works pretty well