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Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.126.
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.125.
- alching can now take in a list of items rather than singular items
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.124.
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.123.
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.122.
- if alching, bot will now select the alch spell while on the obstacle, and alch once done
- by small request, the bot will use Agility options if they're in the inventory & the bot's level is below the course requirement (but won't bank for more)
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.121.
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.120.
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.119.
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.118.
- added Divine rune pouch support!
- this bot should now support Divine pouch exactly the same way as it supported the regular Rune pouch
Cuppa AgilityAIO updated to v1.1.117.