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  • Preferably clear your pot of any ores and collect any bars to prevent any unforeseen bugs. Generally the bot will handle these with a multitude of failsafes in place
  • Setup your bank such that all of the necessary ores and energy restore potions are in the same visible area so the bot does not waste time scrolling up/down the bank
  • Supports paying foreman (pre-60 smithing)
  • Re-fills coffer with predefined amount
  • Supports energy/super energy/stamina pots
  • Supports coal bag as well as smithing cape perk
  • Supports all bars including the gold hybrid methods if you have the coal bag
  • Swaps between gold gauntlets and ice gloves (or smith gloves (i))
  • Supports bucket of water if you do not have ice gloves
  • Break handler
  • Like
Reactions: lolyeano
First release
Last update
4.71 star(s) 55 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Mikes Blast Furnace v1.5.3 Released!

    Mikes Blast Furnace updated to v1.5.3.
  2. Mikes Blast Furnace v1.5.2 Released!

    Mikes Blast Furnace updated to v1.5.2.
  3. Mikes Blast Furnace v1.5.1 Released!

    Mikes Blast Furnace updated to v1.5.1.

Latest reviews

Thanks for the script mike. Got me to 99+ with multiple styles, zero issues!
Like always, another nice bot from thiis author! making hybrid method without any issues, thank you!
to clarify, the bot misclicks to the side of the ramp when you don't click "direct input" for the settings
great bot, but mis clicks a lot of times on the outter left side of the ramp and the bot will run up beside it
It knows when it miss clicks and clicks again. If it hasn't corrected itself by the time it's past the ramp, it sounds an issue on your end.
99 smithing. Flawless.
Excellent :)
Another Mike masterclass, works perfect
Works flawless, will be hitting 99 smithing from it soon!
The script itself works great, but I got burned for my money many times because sometimes the bot would not work and it charges me for the hour for even trying to start it up. Only lost about 1-2$ but still feel scammed.
Worked perfectly, great bot