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5/5. Bot works as advertised and the developer (Daz) replies in minutes to support any questions you have. He even pushed up a new feature for me within an hour! Can't recommend Daz enough.
Thanks big dog. You're a legend <3 <3
It is the best GG bot so far, and the scripter is very responsive. I would give this all the stars possible. 10/10
Thanks a lot my man!! Really appreciate that. I've got a few of your suggestions in a branch already ;P.
I ran it for 6 hours so far and it is amazing. For being free, just wow. I know it's in the works and there's stuff that needs to be added and that, but overall, it is a GREAT script. Thanks for making it! Highly HIGHLY recommend.
Thanks bro, really appreciate this <3! More big updates coming soon.
the bot runs, couple issues nothing major. burning claws not supported spec weapon, when banking below hp threshold it will eat food and then deposit all consumables and then restart withdraw process, possibly change to refresh stats before banking? and i found when full inv itll drop 1 food i assume for potential 2h swap but my range and melee both 2h. fixed by taking 1 less food, sometimes has issues banking, cant find items and then bot stops, items are there. its free and in beta so cant get upset about this bot, does what it needs to just wants to be baby sat to a degree. thanks for your work, massive potential here.
Thanks for the review big dog <3! Yeah a few of these are known things I need to clean up. I was using a mates acc to dev this, but he started playing again so I'm just training a new one up to finish the little bits off. Enjoy whilst it's free!
Although it is missing a few things to make this run cleaner (better QOL), it is still very good.
Right now, it runs, not the very fastest or best you want it to, but it does what it is suppose to do.
Author seems active in the post and alot of things are being implemented.

For how new it is, and while it is free, I will definitely give it another run once it gets out of beta.
Thanks homie, appreciate it! Need to train up a new account to finish Dusk specs/1Tick prayer. But shouldn't take long.. Until then this'll be free for everyone <3
great bot and even greater person dealing with it he helps out and solves the problem asap couldn't ask for more
Awesome bot that's only missing a few QoL things, definitely recommend to anyone going for the pet or on that slayer grind.
<3 thanks homie, you a GOAT!
Runs Great no deaths ran it for a few hours no issues, cannot wait to see how this bot develops as Daz makes tweaks to it.
Has extreme room for potential once direct input and 1t prayer is added and other small QoL items, but for the most part have ran 5+ hrs straight and has not died once, great bot and highly recommend if anyone is farming for the pet.