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Atlas has updated it in the last day and it appears to be running flawlessly now. The clicks are much more accurate and at 38rc I'm getting 15k xp/hr with no stams. Very pleased with the update, thank you Atlas!
Gets stuck on loop clicking on stairs, also randomly stops for minutes, and then sometimes gets back on track. The biggest issue is just going up and down stairs indefinitely.
LOVE this bot! I never really considered this to be a viable option for runecrafting exp but here I am crafting bloods on my hcim already!

Thank you so much!

4/5 because it occasionally gets stuck and closes itself out. The couple of times it happened to me it had been running over the 2 hour mark.
Bot doesnt work. Everytime it goes into the center floor (the one in the very center of the library up 1 level) it stops and just stands there until it logs out. I was trying to bot 10 hcim to 77rc but it just isnt working.
Please post a report with botlog on the forums. I'm sure it'll be an easy fix!
Needs some improvements. Sometimes clicks outside of the library walls and runs outside. Also got stuck twice trying to talk to Biblia over and over again in the first 30 minutes of one session and the first 5 minutes of another. Was getting around 13k exp/hour at level 56 while it was working right.
Was this on v1.0.2 or v1.0.3? Did you have the 20% Arceuus requirement for Biblia to work? It was hardcoded in v1.0.3 aswel as a failsafe that click 10 times on the same thing will stop the bot.
It's almost perfect. Got 1-50ish RC and about 20 mage levels. You have to baby sit, and if youre lucky it'll run over 45 minutes without bugging. I give it 5 stars for the effort though, and understand it's not always a issue from the developers side. With a few fixes I can see people getting 77 rc with this no problem bc i ran it for hours on end and my account is still free from getting banned.
can you specify on the forums what exactly bugged out?(preferably with a log). I suppose you also used v1.0.2 most of the time
Not safe to use, got my main banned within 45 minutes while attempting to babysit.
FFS I used it for 42 minutes. After 14 minutes running perfect, I went away and came back to see the bot spam clicking"help" on the same npc for minutes. So I had to pause and fix the bot. Then it worked great for another couple of minutes and then I came back and I see the bot spam clicking search on the SAME bookshelf for minutes. Fuck 2 big mistakes for minutes, hope i don't get banned.
Used it for around an hour and got max favour as well as a few RC levels. It got stuck one time and I had to fix it but other than that it's been running pretty well. Also the GUI is pretty clean.
I haven't even used it yet, but it gets 5 stars for the best GUI I've ever seen on a bot.