I noticed if i minimize the runemate tab the bot just sits there and doesn't complete task. But with RuneMate tab opened over RuneLite the Bot works Wonderful. I am running this on a mac so not sure if thats the cause or not, plan on trying on my windows pc later to try. Other wise kick ass bot!
The bot works really well once you understand it, but I noticed the contracts don’t work as smoothly. For example, I planted tomato seeds, but if the contract is for corn, it never takes the corn to fulfill the contract. At least in my case, it doesn't work.
Outstanding script, takes some time to set up PROPERLY but has never given me issues. Now that it has gotten me 99 farming I do wish it supported the farming cape for bonus herbs.
This is the kind of bot you'd imagine when someone tells you about botting a skill. Incredibly reliable script with lots of options for whatever farming related task you want. Easiest 5 star
100/10. tbh only minor improvements can be made to bot (improvements, not fix, as bot works extremely well) Thanks for the farming bot, the best one i've tried in RM in years
Gets stuck if you update it while running. Doesn't use Digsite pendant correctly with the new update. Timer has 55min on each plot, but seems to think they're all ready based on the GUI. Only planting herbs, not flowers or allotments, despite having the seeds, and selecting them in the GUI.
Really great bot - runs well but some things what would make it better would be. Restocking via the g.e, refilling your bottomless compost bucket and killing hespori more when idling. However on the whole really good bot!
Fantastic script! I was there during its early stages, and it's improved massively since then. The only issue I have is that you can't bring much food for Hespori. The script grabs food, armor, and all the supplies at once, which doesn't leave much space for food.
Great bot, only issue I've found is when trying to do zamorak's grapes the bot withdraw all the necessary items but then idles at castle wars bank. I've tried xeric's talisman, house tab redirected, and teleport runes with a kourend portal in POH. I also manually teleported to Kourend and resumed the bot and it remained idle. Does tree runs and seaweed flawlessly. 5 stars easy!
Loving the new update, It has been working amazingly and the only reason I have 80 farming on my GIM. I don't often write reviews but this is pretty great
Best bot in my list, but i wish we got more advanced setting on masterfarmer thieving etc, if i turn on the bot for 24hr i dont want to pickpocket for 24hr,maby you can change so we can pickpocket for 40min x 6 or for x hours? overall really good!