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Amazing bot and amazing service from Bot author! First bot I paid premium for, no regrets at all :)
works great, got to 70 fishing doing trouts and salmons. wondering if you could add 2t harpoon fishing :)
Before it had problem with Cut eat option but after latest update its FIRE! working perfect, been running for 16 hours with breaks here and there with Teak log and knife for 3T and havent failed once!
Love it!
Bot works pretty well. The only issue I have found is with using guams and tar, if something happens and it accidentally makes the guam tar, instead of going to the bank to get a new guam, or even notifying the user, the bot just full stops, ending your session early. Other than that, its been great so far!!
Taken from bot overview:
- Supports all sorts of 3 tick item combinations - see below for an overview
- Will clean a herb or switch item combination when necessary
Works fine. Only thing is when choosing the "Cut Eat" option, it only cuts but does not eat. When inventory is full, it will keep trying to 3-tick, getting "You cant carry anymore fish in your inventory"
Too early to to rate properly. Been using for 1 hour. Seems the updates have fixed the problem with teaks turned into stocks constantly which is good. Very consistent so far. I'm using the lazy drop setting, but I cant seem to get the normal or cut eat settings to work, maybe I missed something. Probably smartest to just let it run on lazy drop with breaks and stopping every 3 hours before manually restarting the bot after switching worlds. My logic being that dropping the inventory is the most common 3 tick/barb fishing skilling method. If one were to leave it on the cut - eat setting for hours logged in to same world, the account would likely be flagged for botting behavior, or even be noticed by other players who report you because it is quite mechanical and precise even on the lazy drop setting. I can only imagine it looks more sus when the same length of animation is happening with no mistakes for hours. Will update after a couple of days of 3 hour sessions with short breaks in between. (have had 3 accounts banned in 4 years from casual botting, so all precautions need to be taken!)
gr8 bot, just a head up anti drag RL plugin will make the bot not be able to drag the 3 tick items to proper spot for in invy
is good, except sketched me out cuz can 3t fish (for example, i had skills tab open on my rl, and it was somehow still 3ting with guam and tar) without having inventory open. not sure if visual glitch by runemate lmao
Direct input doesn't require the correct tab to be open to interact with it's content. No need to be afraid of this, jagex does not watch this behavior.
Awesome script! Would give it a 5 star if it would stop clicking on peoples pets over and over (No plugins enabled, fixed screen, and running on Admin).
i believe you can make pets click through in the osrs settings!
Figured out how to 3 tick, and this is a good bot. My only suggestion would be maybe add hopping to other low ping worlds now and then. Was doing normal social barb fishing and someone said "wow ur not 3 ticking? I saw u 3 ticking for a few hours without missing a beat". Spooked me but that's on me fault tho, but that would probably would be a worthy safeguard
after switching to fixed screen it seems to run flawlessly!
Gets the job done, great xp rates. My issue with it and why it doesn't get a 5-star rating is that when the bot fails the 3t (makes herb tar or stock) for whatever reason it may be, most likely due to lag, the bot instantly stops and we have to manually reset. Wastes some time, and also due to how payment is collected this wastes some money (it's the principle)
you can bring spare 3t items to prevent the bot from stopping
Making my character run back and forth making me look like a fool & forsure a bot at shilo village. misclicks i understand, however it should take north of 2 minutes running from one fishing spot to another. plz fix shilo village location.
3 ticking is working fine when the character stays in place & actually fishes.
Another 99, thanks men
Highly recommend this bot when using knife + teak, was very 50/50 when using guam method, but once I used knife + teak + block input on both keyboard + mouse, I did 58-74 fishing in one go.
works the same way
Works great, if it's not working properly ur internet or ping is the problem. Don't listen to the guy below me, if you're him, you need to have 1 clean guam, and plenty of grimy guams in your inventory. even a perfect human would sometimes mix the guam into paste, it's gonna happen w/ the bot too. I take my rod pestle and feathers in bottom of inventory, 17 grimy guams filling inventory from bottom up, 1k tar and 1 clean guam at top, i use 0/1 in the settings to keep them in the first and 2nd slot. so far put in a few hundred k exp and its been working fantastic, zero complaints. Only wish is that it would add banking using games necklace to barbarian outpost to withdrawl more guams when it eventually runs out, and then running back. but then again haven't run a long enough session for that to happen yet anyways so idk.
It's fantastic when it works, the only issue is that it sometimes makes your Guam into Guam paste. I have a stable connection 16 ms, blocked all input and running it on default with everything in the same inventory slots as shown. It happens randomly but it's guaranteed to break and shut down at some point for me(usually within an hour). Could you make it so we can keep additonal guams in the inventory as back up? (if possible) when i try to, it just drops it lol
You can already bring additional herbs, but they have to be grimy so that there's no dialog popping up when combining with the tar. Alternatively, you can bring different types of herbs (one of each).
Works good but author was disrespectful when I asked if they could add a break system. Cant run for long because none of the authors 3tick bots have a breaking enabled
disrespectful? i was just cracking a joke mate, i'll see if i can add breaks soon
good bot nothing wrong with it but please add a break manager
this is perfect. Only thing I can add is to add a break manager