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confused what im doing wrong, when i start it and hit save and apply it just goes to "breaks disabled" and dosent move or do anything. have tried it 9 times. restarted it closed clients, still nothing.
Always my go-to bot when I want to train Hunter and Fishing. Offers solid xp with a variety of options, never fails to impress me with how plug-and-play it is. I almost always start the bot and trust it to keep running, which it does.
its stops every time, when the net is full ( 10/10 ) what to do ?!!? please help me :)
Sounds like a generic issue. Standard troubleshooting steps include restarting your pc and trying with all plugins disabled. If that doesn't work, you should DM me your bot logs.
Excellent bot for getting those Hunter and Fishing levels. I have no complaints, another great bot from Dan
Probably close to 100 hours with this script and never had it break! Not only is the XP amazing, it's also instanced to help with player reports on one ofthe most obvious / easily caught skills... Thanks Dan ;)
Not sure about people complaining about xp rates. Its maybe a tad bit slower than what is expected, but its nominal. The bot works perfectly and is extremely stable. Best Drift bot on here
Runs smoothly, but 20k-25k less exp rate compared to advertised rates. Not efficient. I have all the equipped items, Ran for hours on a low ping world.
Happy with how well this is working!
Extremely pleased with this bot and well justified price. Have been using for 3 days and no problems. Runs flawlessly. Hope to get 99 fish with this one. Cheers Dan
10/10, got 99 hunter and fishing for me and a few of my buddies. solid ass script
I love this bot. Works great. But is there a reason I’m getting such low xp rates with it? Is it meant to be not as fast as actually playing it? Little bit confused
bot works well no problems for me so far. but i cant use this to 99 because its too expensive and also the xp rates are about 95-102k hunter / 75-80k fish xp per hour.

from my current fish/hunter level 80 to 99 would cost over $120+ to get both 99 which is not worth it at all because its hardly any profit with drift nets being so expensive. but solid bot to use if you need quick early levels.
Your math is off. Getting to 99 is nowhere near to 120$. It's more like 15-20$
Awesome bot! Got 99 fish and hunter over week and half slowly :). Ty TY :D
Does exactly what it says. Getting 105k xp hunter and 80k fishing an hour @ level 80 hunter/80 fishing. THANK YOU!
It does exactely what it has to, brilliant.

The advertisement is wrong tho, it's 30k/hr less. I don't personally mind.
The bot is a bit expensive for what it does in my opinion, comparing it with other fish bots.
The bot works well pretty well, but it averages a little slower than advertised.
So expensive and so broken, all bot does is literally open settings and stay into an infinite loop of activating and deactivating ESC option.
There was a game update today. Please restart both runemate + runelite and try again. There is trial version you can use to test it.
Perfect bot. Feels so safe using it. Stayed here to get 99 fishing too after hunter, becuase works so great and is so reliable. Ty <3
99 hunter very easily, could do with a fail safe for when it DCed etc, lost 6 hours in total but yeah 99 hunter what a winner and 96 fishing
this is an amazing bot that exceeds all expectations, considering the 3tick barb fisher can only obtain 100k xp per hour, this bot not only obtains 80k xp per hour but 100k hunter also... it's 180k xp per hour total and flawless, I'm actually amazed and wouldn't suggest using anything else for fishing/hunter EVEN if you're already 99 in one of them. It's fucking good.