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bot works when it works but at some point not only decided to bank all equipped gear, stands in the middle of the blast furnace with fucking nothing on for 6+ hours.... cool bot
its haves an error where it wants to turn on the running button it doesn't click just move the click around the button without turning it on
Very clean. Very simple script. Used this for over a 100 hours across multiple accounts. Brilliant!
Best bot i've tried so far, i give it 4 stars because it suddenly stop working every 12 or 14 minutes then i have to reset the program.
smith 75 no bann and i make nice money i try this bot to 99 lol
Excellent bot :), only bug I notice where if I take a break while it's collecting the bars, when it logs back in it tries to keep collecting and just stands there.
First of all i got 55-99 with this so thank you very much. I use it on my alt to have upkeep on my bonds. today i noticed its getting stuck on too many coal or runite ore. it keeps adding ore to conveiyor but doesnt collect in time and gets stuck
Hey I'm glad this bot worked out for you! Regarding your bug, you can DM here or on discord so we an take a look at it.
How on earth this is a free bot is beyond me. 50 - 84 Smithing, on and off, sometimes for as long as 7 hours (with breaks). Have never noticed an issue. Playersense is amazing, the bot is about 95% as fast as I can do manually. I run it in stretched mode with the screen extremely wide, so that the bot can see the Conveyor and the bank chest from anywhere. Be sure to make a bank tab with the ore and all 4 doses of stamina and you'll have no issues. Many thanks
Works a treat. Great bot!
I suspect anyone who's having issues with this bot at the time of writing this post hasn't set it up as per Dan's instructions.
Doesint work anymore, opens bank and do nothing, doesint fill coalbag, doesint emptying it, useless nees an update i believe.
Runs like a charm :)
Works great except for the break feature. Doesn't log out during the break. just stands in front of the chest and waits until it gets auto logout. Then Runemate logs it in again because the bot is technically running but "on a break" and it AFKs until logout. Repeats until the break is over. Wasted about 250k in furnace fees in one run. Tried and confirmed several times with different break times.

Also has this occasional crash where it puts the ore in and then goes to get coal and then tries to pick up the bars with a full invent of coal. tries for about 5-10 mins until it crashes. It has randomly happened thrice with me while smelting steel bars but I haven't been able to pinpoint what causes it or how to replicate it. I think it occurs when the furnace takes longer than usual to pour the bars out and instead of waiting, the bot just goes and grabs another invent of coal but when the bars pour he just stands with a full invent trying to pick up the bars.
There are failsafes in place to make sure the bot doesn't try to collect bars with a full inventory. Also, if the bot spams click something, it should stop after ~10 identical clicks. I believe your issues are related to some client issues. Sometimes, these issues can be fixed by closing OSRS + Runemate and clearing the Jagex cache. If you still have issues after this, let me know and we'll try to find the underlying issue.
Flawless bot, 50-90+ smithing while running around 7-8 hours a day with break!
Bot works flawless on other ores, but since getting 99 and trying runeite bars bot fails everytime, never had an issue running gold bars or anything else. 4 stars 5 once rune bars can run without crashing.
If it gets stuck at the belt check the OP for camera settings.

Absolutely no reason for anyone to give this anything other than 5/5.
Great bot!
I appreciate the hard work you've put into this bot, it looks very professional and well made. I'm having a bit of an issue where it stops right in front of the bar dispenser and never cools/collects the bars, though. To the best of my knowledge, all of the elements of the furnace and bank were on the correct parts of the screen, so I'm not sure what could be causing this. Potentially could be the new update, but I don't know all too much about that. Thanks in advance!
Flawless if using a pretty wide resizable canvas, but had a failsafe if you aren't. Movements do seem pretty fast, even setting the Delayer Settings to Slow (3.0). Babysat for a few hours no problems.
cant smelt iron bars, bugs out looking for coal when u only need iron ore to smelt iron bars. otherwise pretty decent script so far
This should be fixed in v1.1.9. Let me know if you have any more issues :)
Works really well.

Only used it for a good few medium range levels, but I was able to leave the house and when I came back it was still running great with good XP rates.

Really good job on this one!