Hey I have a question.. I heard that you were gay and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date.. The way you respond makes me feel so wanted, the way your regal bots work make me feel a desire for you.. I just love you.. plz gimmie ur #..
Hi, I love all the regal scripts by you and Snufalugus. I have one suggestion for your general interface-thing (API?). Can you make the break handler sliders all go from zero to whatever? I like to have my bots run short sessions so I'd like to be able to set the max break to like 20 minutes and max interval to 40 minutes.
Hey! I have a question regarding your regal agility script. Would it be possible to add a few anti-ban features? Like maybe toggles for little AFK moments of like 5 ish seconds randomly here and there (cause nobody is perfect, you gotta look away once in a while), maybe right clicking players, checking xp in your stats, etc? Other than that, awesome bot my dude. Would really love to see those features
hello. I love your regal mining. I only found one flaw and that is when you are mining at the crafting guild it dosent open the door to the crafting guild all the time if you could tell me how i can fix it or somehow you can fix it that would be amzing.
regal mining is good. however mining 3 iron ore take ages to actually get a full inventory with the right click feature. if it wasnt right click to mine it would be awesome.
using the regal agility v3.0.51 pro and I'm in varrock running the rooftops with the option to alch spot 15 ON, Runs course alright but alch is like non existent. logged multiple times, reset the clients, reloaded runemate 10 plus times with new clients. restarted computer. etc... Any clue?
regal motherlode keeps getting stuck at the bank and at fixing the wheel, it has been doing it the past week, if I look at it and click it over towards the sack it will go to sack get ore and go back to bank, but then instantly gets stuck again. its like it cant read where the sack is from the camera angle that it turns to at bank
uhm info like i said , gets me stuck at the rocks that you need to clear (to get to the ores) , and after 30 minutes always logs me out.
and sometimes when he is stuck at those rocks , he keeps clicking same spot to get trought but he cant so its obviouse that i am botting you know . sorry bad English hahaha
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I love your regal mining! it works greats in varrock, al Karid and Barb village. However, I'm having issues mining mith at lumbridge west. The bot mines well. but doesn't bank. it just sits there until it auto log off. Sometimes the bot can't get into al karid mining area either. It'll just pace back and forth on the side of the mining area.
did you get a chance to fix the bank situation? also. suggestion. maybe in the upper level to the south east right when you climb the latter that L shaped mining area maybe add?
for the regal motherload mining. you need to make the gem bag usable and function right. since if you deposit after sack is full the gems are just sitting in inventory.
the bot of hunter does not want me to work friend from today in the morning why do I get a lot of error? regal hunter ERROR ARRAYINDEX OUT BOUNDS EXCEPTION THROWN