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  • Hey so, my birthday is coming up. Enjoy the Birthday Sale going on for all Apex bots.
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    Reactions: A Savage
    a savage
    a savage
    Happy soontm birthday
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    Reactions: proxi
    How long will the sale last for? Really like your crab bot.
    Not sure yet, my birthday is the 24th so at least until then lol
    Hey for your apexcooker it shows says a nullpointerexception if I try to create wine with a bank.
    american express
    american express
    Post bug reports in the FORUM THREAD, along with SUPPORTING EVIDENCE such as log files, screenshots etc.
    • Like
    Reactions: proxi
    If you could also include your log file, that would be greatly appreciated.
    All of the Apex bots should be working now with the current RS3 event.
    ApexCrabber Pro not using my granite hammer special attack at Zeah Shore just thought i'd let you know.
    Heya. Any plan to make throneroom bot ? There is one which mines and does agility, but i think it will get me banned fast. I think many of us would like AIO Throneroom bot (mining, agility, divination). Micro-breaks, break handler, good antiban etc...
    wet rag
    wet rag
    I don't actually play the game, so I'm not too sure what the throneroom is :/
    Its dungeon-like place near digsite. Iirc "digsite" quest is needed to enter. You can train there 3 skills from lvl 65. Agility, mining and divination. But you cant train there infinite time. Once u have 800k xp in one skill (lvls 65-75) its maxed and u cant train that skill anymore. Its not very click intensive also.
    • Like
    Reactions: proxi
    ApexCrabber is back up
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    Reactions: Zantaryan and Swych
    Is it for sand crabs? And what is Your bots banrate? "derp"
    There's always a risk of ban when botting. While there's no accurate way to give you an exact percentage, I will say that it's low. I've only had one account ever get banned (and it was on Rs3) and I was not using any of my bots that specific week.
    Oldschool is down following todays update. Please do not run any bots until further notice.
    RuneMate for Oldschool is now back online. Please restart your clients.
    Oldschool is down for maintenance. Please do not use it until further notice.
    That's pretty cool, what did you use to make it?
    Damn that's sweet, what Aidden said, how did you make this?
    It's a little-known program called Gource :)
    Hey, have a question for you. Was interested in using your bot but I see you don't have Acadia trees. Do you ever plan to add them?
    Awesome dude! I'll check it out this weekend for sure! (Probably tomorrow?) Just have to get the quest done, and then I'll add the non-VIP method until I can get to the area :)
    lord oranos
    lord oranos
    Sorry, I don't want to sound like that annoying person but. I apparently there is bank deposit box in that area which would speed up experience per hour quite a bit!You will also need level 47 woodcutting for the trees. Thanks alot for adding this!
    No worries, not annoying at all xD Thanks for the info!
    hey proxi, apexdivinationpro is broken when selecting incandescent energy's it just says stand closer to the rift and im standing right next to it. iv already informed a few other scriptors that there divination bots are doing the same thing aswell.
    wet rag
    wet rag
    Thanks for letting me know. I'm currently getting my account to that Divination level so I can test out my current implementation. If you're down with letting me use your account for around an hour, I could have a fix out very soon though. PM me if you're interested!
    Heya! , ur bot is asome mate worth al the money i spend on! , can u maybe add stop at level menu? wuld be like really asome i hope this will come out in the future so i can bot my def and attack till the level i need (for pure builds)
    Definitely something I can look into (I'm assuming you're talking about the crab bot?). I'm a little busy between buying a house, engagement, work, etc. right now, so I most likely won't get a chance to work on RuneMate things for a couple of weekends.
    Hey , yea on the crab bot a nice what level button. wuld love it .got banned today on 1 of my account today tho NP but just saying :) maybe i shuld adjust the break handler more
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