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  • Prime Zulrah's price has been reduced to $0.14/h to account for Zulrah nerfs, hope it makes it a bit more worth using now!
    Your bots are always awesome but i know the client got updated last night. Tried 2x on blackjack bot and it keeps saying "cannot find bandit" when i'm clearly surrounded by them. Tried on all settings (bearded, not bearded, menaphites) just zooms out and says cant find
    Restart both RuneMate and Runescape and try again. Use the lite version to ensure its working
    • Like
    Reactions: Savior
    let me start by saying your bots are the best on this site. that being said I have been stuck using cuppa miner for minning (f2p) and it always fails after one inventory no matter where I mine. If you could make a minning bot for f2p that supports the minning guild and banking that would be awesome. thanks again for the great bots you've already made.
    wrote a review on my old account about the construction messing up at teaks and it charging me for 15 hours is the space of 32 minutes.
    no reply after i asked for a refund.
    also have you fixed the teak bench i've noticed its effecting more people also
    wrote a review on my old account about the construction messing up at teaks and it charging me for 15 hours is the space of 32 minutes.
    no reply after i asked for a refund.
    also have you fixed the teak bench i've noticed its effecting more people also
    now i'm not an expert, but as far as i remember multi-accounting isnt allowed.
    i've lost my 2 step auth to my other account and theres nothing i can do to get it back. unless either of you know how to get it back, ive got loads of money on it i cant use??
    in relation to the session terminating. it did, the bot sat me down at the teak bench 15 times in half an hour and logged me off
    Unnoting works fine, you just didn't follow instructions. If it's not working so much, why did you keep using it? You know it charges you.

    Start the bot in fixed mode, and fetch 1 inventory of planks yourself so the option is in the UI to reduce any possibility of errors. I'll give you back a few sessions.
    irl fat dumbass who isnt even good at computers lol
    stfu or ill hack your account and wipe your bank
    He is going to play the idea to my upgreads does that shit to play the osrs with bot from my upgreads does that mean my brother is ugly []".
    Why did my bank get emptied while using this bot? Just looking for an answer
    because you downloaded a virus elsewhere or got phished or something, nothing to do with me :)
    @Flextroci what do you have to say for yourself?
    A fix for Hexis Construction and Blackjack is in the queue and will be live shortly.
    Can't remember asking
    You are a mean one, unfortunately I have abandonment issues and gravitate to this kind of personality. Thank you.
    the numbers Mason, what do they mean!
    FYI the update to all of my Hexis bots was to enable the Loot Tracker again. Pest Control will now not force fixed mode.
    Construction PRO has gotten stuck sitting on the Teak bench twice now. Not right away, but after 5-20 minutes or so. Not sure but it seems like it's because sometimes it includes the 'fence' build menu when clicking and it clicks wrong? Just thought I should mention it.
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