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  • apex fisher pro just nulled and crashed the instance while using for the first time 30 seonds into starting the bot. sent bug submission
    You mind sending your log file? There are several things I need to know to reproduce the issue. Such as which game you're playing, what settings are used, where you're fishing, etc. All of this is answered in the logs if you can send it to me.
    started a convo with you, I can send there
    fixx your hunthing script for salamanders is just rotating screen all time and place 1 trap than it place 3 traps cant place 4 because 50 hunter it gets stuck because it wanna place 4 traps all time even i click use 3 traps fix your bot thanks. i forget it place 1 trap than pauze 3 or 4min place 3 traps pauze rototate screen all time bot broken my 10 cents lol
    fixx your hunthing script for salamanders is just rotating screen all time and place 1 trap than it place 3 traps cant place 4 because 50 hunter it gets stuck because it wanna place 4 traps all time even i click use 3 traps fix your bot thanks. i forget it place 1 trap than pauze 3 or 4min place 3 traps pauze rototate screen all time bot broken my 10 cents lol
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    Reactions: proxi
    In that giant wall of run-on you somehow failed to mention what game you're playing. Additionally, if you could provide your log file that would be helpful.
    fixx your hunthing script for salamanders is just rotating screen all time and place 1 trap than it place 3 traps cant place 4 because 50 hunter it gets stuck because it wanna place 4 traps all time even i click use 3 traps fix your bot thanks. i forget it place 1 trap than pauze 3 or 4min place 3 traps pauze rototate screen all time bot broken my 10 cents lol
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    Reactions: proxi
    ApexMiner and ApexFisher both updated with some user requested features.
    Hello Proxi, I've been using the apex miner and I've been charged with instances that just close down automatically. I was just wondering could I be refunded those small chargers? I'll be still continuing to use your client either way, just hoping this could get resolved. Thanks
    Sure thing, just send me (pm) your log file(s) for the sessions you had issues with and a screenshot of your transactions page here on RuneMate with the charges in it.
    Do you have discord?
    keep getting banned using apexfisher pro any ideas to prevent this? Im fish 1-48 and i get banned
    vpn and I assume f2p? Yikes yikes yikes!
    f2p only until 46 fishing , but now on every account i make 10 minutes after tut island. My account gets locked from them suspecting it being stolen.
    private VPN with a provided private IP? If you don't have a unique IP and you're using a VPN, that's even worse than just botting on your home's IP.
    hey been having issues with the apexchopper pro, it seams to not know how to bank at the G.E just sits there after one inventory and logs out. would be awesome to add ivy vines in the chopping
    Are you on osrs or rs3?
    Hey dude, I would like to know if you can add the option for divine-o-vacuum in ApexDivinationPro please ? Thank you :)
    Im looking to modify a current bot program the code is open sourced i have scene builder but where do i go to edit code to perform task like walk to bank when empty on food and withdraw etc... can you point me in the right direction or program to use..

    I don't know if this will upset you but yes I looked on the internet but nothing is in detailed or pertains what I looking for.
    I personally use notepad.
    And then days when I feel promiscuous I use IntelliJ
    Do you have black chin support on Hunter bot? Btw just about 74-99 fishing from your bot leaving it on 24/7 with breaks!
    That's crazy xD congratz!

    And the bot supports box traps. So inherently it shouuld support black chinchompas unless there is something different about capturing them than a normal chincompa. However, the bot does not have any PK preventative measures so that would be something to keep in mind.
    Great job on all the bots! I've been using a few of them lately, and they work great. The fact that they catch seren spirits is dope. Though not essential in the least, a seren spirit count/tally would be cool.
    Hey, i have been using your Apex Chopper PRO and on menaphos cutting acadia trees, it will not deposit the logs. it will just keep standing there forever :(
    You're outside of the VIP zone? Are you seeing a bank chest or a deposit box?
    Yes, i'm outside the VIP. and i'm seeing a deposit box
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    Reactions: proxi
    Cool beans, thanks for letting me know! Added to my todo list to check out :)
    Hey proxi, I'm having trouble catching green salamanders with ApexHunter. I've started the bot at the location with salamander trap settings, but it won't set any traps. If I set them myself, the bot will pick up and traps that fail, but it won't reset them. Any info or help would be appreciated :).

    Update: Manually selecting how many traps you can place fixes the problem.
    Interesting! Thanks for letting me know. Is this on OSRS or RS3?
    Hey proxi, just want to let you that i found a bug in ApexMiner (beta). when mining phasmatite the bot just keep hitting the same rock for the whole time (doest change to hit the rockertunity). im using the 4 tick playerstyle.
    Rockertunities rely on part of the RuneMate API that just changed. This broke rockertunities on all bots. It'll be fixed in the next update. Thanks for reporting your findings though :)
    Does Apex crabber have a built in random NPC dismisser? I just watched my bot just stand there and ignore a random event. Don't really feel good about that. :/
    That's handled by RuneMate, not by the bot itself.
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