it seems to me all you gotta say is i cant find time to rework a bot for it to stay paid and that excuse can keep being said without it being taken down until it gets a rework
Spastic. We're fucking humans with lives. Runemate premium makes us pennies, certainly not enough to keep me hooked full time. Make your own fucking bot if you don't like it.
You're a fucking hypocrite mate. You're literally complaining about losing a few quid, and now you're trying to turn it around and pass it off as a valid reason? Fuck off of this website mate.
its that all you got? hypocrite? its aint about losing money its this site doesnt hold authors accountable for there words cause it loses them money if they take it off paid status
If parts are broken why keep it paid? your right this site makes pennies off there bots so they need every single bot they can get paid even if its broken. If you spent more time reworking than commenting and defending broken bots prolly be the best bot site out there.
You think I'm trying to insult you, I'm not. Hypocrite isn't "the best I got", it's a just indication of your personality. You think we are your servants, ready for you to shit on when you don't get your way. Incidentally, a bot breaks or an author can't maintain it for a period of time. You waste 5 cents before you notice, you stop using the bot.
This is literally all you're complaining about. 5 fucking cents.
Like i said if you know its broken why keep it paid huh? no one can explain that at all or they dont want to because its about money. So how is calling me that not an insult? go do that to someone on the streets and see what happens
you keep it paid because many other parts are probably still running perfectly fine. if some part of a premium bot isnt working, let the author know and stay the hell away from it
I understand you all have lives i get it but months and months is to long to keep a broken bot paid why not be decent and let people use it for free until you can find time to rework it? Its about being a decent human being and not being greedy af.