Can you give me more information please? What was it stuck doing? Where? Did you have plugins enabled? GPU counts, especially with render distance changes. Can you send the log file?
The reports i had over the past week indicated it was trying to open the bank from too far away (if your render distance is increased you can see the bank but it can't be interacted with), so i added a distance check that should have fixed it. So i need to know if it's the same issue or something else.
I don't get any maxi logs to share - but im using base runelite with no plugins - sometimes it'll just get stuck unless I move the camera or click on the screen then it moves
sorry man not being a dick, it used to get stuck on doors mainly hosidious region but this time it got stuck at faladore trying to get a new contract. it has bugged out a few times in the past but i would love a fail safe end script log out implemented into the script to save users credits and active gameplay issue for future usage if possible cheers man its a great script othe then that.
@stussy798chopper Are you using fixed screen? There's currently a client bug with minimap walking that causes it to choose a point that can't be interacted with.
Yeah that's something i want to add on a larger scale than just this bot. Just need to figure out a reliable way to do so.
Free or not, it defo made the account look like a bot :/