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  • Hi, in regards to my review of Stone Chests, here is the bot breaking when full on inventory. It also pulled out a looting bag for some reason. - https://streamable.com/6kszaj
    Hey there, loving your bots so far. Is there any way to add ring of dueling to bank teleport method for revs for ironmen?
    Yeah, I will look into adding more bank traversal teleports shortly. I will keep you updated, It may be best for you to join my Discord Server for upcoming updates and you can post any recommendations you have for me to implement.
    HUGE Sale on of up to 35% on accounts and more! Raffling off a Twisted Bow! Make sure to enter while you can! discord.gg/veryrareservices
    Huge sale on accounts over the Christmas Holidays @ Discord.gg/veryrareservices
    Got a ton of accounts for sale, cheaper than market value - discord.gg/veryrareservices
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    Reactions: MrBlazinHerbs
    wet rag
    wet rag
    Got a ton of accounts for sale, cheaper than market value - discord.gg/veryrareservices
    If you're having issues with the Shamans bot, before leaving a review, please report the log and evidence to my discord...
    Revenants bot is going on sale for 8c a hour. This sale will last for a total of 2 weeks before going back to full price. ENJOY!
    "BB VYERWATCH" I do have one suggestion for the bot, but not a big deal. Could add an option to wear vyre clothes to use bank right there by alter instead of teleporting.......Thank you so much for making this bot though i love it!!
    "BB VYREWATCH PROBLEM" After prayer runs low and needs recharged, when the bot kills a VYRE and goes to pray before picking up item, after returning outside alter it doesn't pick up that item, it just leaves it, and im worried that is gonna be the time i finally get the blood shard drop, and its not going to pick it up. Everything else works GREAT!!!!!
    The bot is designed to leave it on the ground if it isn't worth much. It will pick up blood shards regardless dont worry :)

    It will prio the prayer so you don't take as much damage, as stated above, if it is a blood shard, it will pick it up.
    The news you've all been waiting for. Shamans has been fixed! Will now move away from the jumping shaman =)
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