I wanted to talk to you about the farming bot. When I am using the bot with the rune axe in my inventory, it detects it and doesn't put it in my bank. However when I use the dragon axe it doesn't detect it and puts it away in my bank. Anyway you could help?
hey derk, I set the bot to powerchop teak trees on ape atoll and it would just spam click the tree. Is that was it is supposed to do? it does not seem to be working appropriately
Hi. when cutting yews in edgeville, the bot makes me run outside the building to cut the southern yew before running back in. is there a way you can update this so I stay inside?
hey i had an issue with the hall of memories bot, my client got stuck and i received 20k xp in 7 hours of botting. i was wondering if i could get those 7 hours refunded back. i really like the bot and can send you the logs so you can see what happened. thanks!
hey, just wanted to thank you for your contributions to RuneMate. you help make this place a safe haven for botters through your exceptionally optimised code and extensive use of the playersense api in your bots. thank you
hey i had an issue with the hall of memories bot, my client got stuck and i received 20k xp in 7 hours of botting. i was wondering if i could get those 7 hours refunded back. i really like the bot and can send you the logs so you can see what happened. thanks!