Hi, I find that if I fill the coffin with 28, then I can only use 25 as I cant carry 28 pyre logs with the coffin, tinderbox and teleport in the inventory. And even if I could, I would not be able to remove any from the coffin as I need inventory space, plus if I only has 1 or 2 free slots then I would need to keep bringing up the dialog to remove the remains 1 or 2 at a time. Also cannot use a log unless there are remains in the inventory.
Also I need to have the teleport (I'm using Ring of Dueling) in the inventory or it stops, even though the script deposits everything and then withdraws the ring. I'm also not using a teleport from the list as the Mort Legs 3/4 work for banking.
I find the script works good the way it is though, really cool.