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OSRS Cuppa Guardians of the Rift Guide + Recommendations

Mar 13, 2018

A number of people have asked me for tips when running Cuppa GuardiansOfTheRift, which is understandable as the minigame has a number of different playstyles, and the features/options of the bot have become a bit bloated. I'll try to keep this concise.

Settings Screenshot: (currently, this might be outdated in the future if I forget to update it)

General Tips & Notes:
  • use essence pouches if you have them, and select repairing them with lunars if available or pearls otherwise
  • the more quest altars you have unlocked, the more experience & GP you get. Blood, Death, Law & Cosmic altars all help
  • combination runes also help with both xp and GP
  • 56 agility helps a lot, for the increased mining speed of the eastern mine
  • for spells like NPC Contact, Magic Imbue, the bot can use all staves (including combination staves), Tome of Fire/Water, runes in a Rune pouch, all combo runes, etc
    • note: when crafting combination runes, you need the actual secondary rune in your inventory. Eg for Mist runes at the Air Altar, you need water runes in your inventory

Recommended Settings/Info on Settings:
In short, the default settings are fine if you're on a newer account without lunars or pouches, and you just want some runecrafting levels over the long term.

But to break down the settings more, in order of appearance.
  • Break handler/Random AFK handler: standard "humanization" logic, to break up constant playing. Recommended to have this enabled, and a rule of thumb for values is to emulate how you think a real player might act.
  • Stop bot timer: useful to stop the bot after some time if you want to walk away from your PC
  • Priority presets/autobalance: I pretty much always use autobalance. You can set a custom preference if you want a lot more of some runes.
    • The way autobalance works is, if you have a lot more catalytic or elemental runes, it'll (progressively) favor the other, while still keeping logical preferences (eg. won't ever prioritize Air runes over Blood runes, obviously).
    • A spread of 0-20 point difference between Catalytic/Elemental is fine and normal, and shouldn't get larger than 20 over time.
    • The bot autobalances better over longer runtimes.
  • Repair ess pouches using NPC contact: recommended over using pearls if you have lunars unlocked & 67 magic. Bot will use NPC contact runes if in pouch, or will bank to get them.
  • Repair ess pouches using abyssal pearls with Cordelia: a good option to repair pouches on accounts without lunars.
  • Never use cells at all: recommended to keep unchecked meaning it will use cells. Using cells seems to provide more points and xp, slightly.
  • Never assemble guardians: recommended to keep unchecked meaning it will assemble guardians. Assembling seems to provide more points and xp, slightly, unless your team is constantly at full guardians.
  • Drop runes: a comma separated list of runes to drop (mostly useful on UIM)
  • Craft combination runes: requires lunars, 82 magic, a lot of binding necklaces in the bank, and lots of runes to combine with
    • to balance profit and xp, I set this to (Mist, Steam, Mud, Steam) for (Air, Water, Earth, Fire altars). That way you only need to keep Water & Fire runes in your inventory, and cosmics (in your Rune pouch or inventory), all of which are used for imbues.
    • if you run out of secondary runes to combine with, the bot will continue without making those combo runes
    • if you run out of magic imbue runes, the bot will continue without making any combo runes
    • if you run out of binding necklaces, the bot will stop
  • World hopping: recommended to keep enabled.
    • The worlds in the list by default often have players during peak times, but might not off-peak (but that's fine as the bot will just hop again)
    • Bot will automatically check a few worlds and remember which was best/closest to outlined numbers

Example Inventory Setups:
Note, it's recommended to wear (if unlocked):
  • Raiments of the Eye (for more runes)
  • Varrock Armor 3 or 4 (for quicker mining)

Baseline setup required for GotR:
  • Best pickaxe available (in inventory or equipment)
  • Chisel (if assembling guardians)
Using pouches, without lunars/NPC contact:
  • Best pickaxe
  • Chisel (if assembling guardians)
  • All pouches you can use
  • (in inventory) Abyssal pearls (and "Repair ess pouches using abyssal pearls with Cordelia" selected)
Using pouches, WITH lunars & NPC contact:
  • Best pickaxe
  • Chisel (if assembling guardians)
  • All pouches you can use
  • (in bank) NPC contact runes OR (in Rune pouch) NPC contact runes
Using pouches, NPC contact & Magic Imbue/Combo Runes:
What I do here is set the bot to create Mist, Steam, Mud, Steam runes at the Air, Water, Earth, Fire altars. Then I keep Astrals/Cosmics/Air runes in a rune pouch (for NPC contact and the cosmic for imbue), and Water & Fire runes in the inventory (for secondary to combo runes & imbue).
  • Best pickaxe
  • Chisel (if assembling guardians)
  • All pouches you can use
  • Runes for Magic Imbue in inv or Rune pouch (staves/tomes also work)
  • Secondary Runes for whichever runes you want to create (eg if making Steam Runes at Air altar, you need Fire runes in your inventory)
  • (in bank) NPC contact runes OR (in Rune pouch) NPC contact runes
  • (in bank) lots of Binding necklaces

Hopefully this helped at all. If you're still confused you can still come ask questions on the Cuppa Bots discord (link in my forum signature).

Last edited:
Dec 18, 2024
in terms of points, what's the best combo rune set up, or does it matter? (like is it more just a gp/xp decision)
Mar 13, 2018
in terms of points, what's the best combo rune set up, or does it matter? (like is it more just a gp/xp decision)
I think combo runes all give the same amount of points, so they'll just give different gp or XP
Dec 18, 2024
@cuppajava Can I make a suggestion? When mining from the giant pile in the portal where you can get 4-6 guardian ess per mine, it should fill the rune pouch when there are <4 invent spaces left rather than wait until the invent can't hold any more. There are many times when I have just 1 invent space remaining, so xp and points are being lost because that swing will only ever give 1 ess when it might have been 6.
Mar 13, 2018
@cuppajava Can I make a suggestion? When mining from the giant pile in the portal where you can get 4-6 guardian ess per mine, it should fill the rune pouch when there are <4 invent spaces left rather than wait until the invent can't hold any more. There are many times when I have just 1 invent space remaining, so xp and points are being lost because that swing will only ever give 1 ess when it might have been 6.
That's a good note, thank you for the idea. I'll have to double check how this would interact with my pouch logic (and make sure it's not going to think it's storing more essence than it is) but I think it should work. Will try to look closer soon.
Nov 10, 2024
Hey awesome script again Cuppa! Curious if you know which setup is the best for maximizing exp. I am 82 RC and have full Rainments of the eye
Mar 13, 2018
Hey awesome script again Cuppa! Curious if you know which setup is the best for maximizing exp. I am 82 RC and have full Rainments of the eye
Honestly I don't think the settings make a huge difference overall; Just incremental. It'll mostly be unlocks.

I'd keep them pretty close to default (with any available unlocks on like lunars, combos, etc), probably keep chiseling/cells enabled (depends on your team).