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  1. yogurtforkz

    request. 6 accounts. 40 attack 90 strenght.

    if it litterly 40 att / 90 str + f2p with nothing? then he need to visit the shops sadly!!!!@@@
  2. yogurtforkz

    OSRS New lvl 3, what to bot first

    soon as your off tutorial island you may choose mining or fishing in lumbridge. you should take about 4 hour to hit 25-30 in each. move on to useing alot of diffrent bots. if you need a pleasurable built account guide + quest order for 1 def / 1 prayer i can help. always go for 50+ all f2p...
  3. yogurtforkz

    request. 6 accounts. 40 attack 90 strenght.

    yeah i got facebook :) crystal bow / 99 fm. 155m gp. still working on the account, 70 / 75 hp +55 slayer (helmet) added ring of suffering imbue + some nmz +other minigames. halo half done, + easy combat achivement for pest points.
  4. yogurtforkz

    OSRS My gold

    you may 'offer it to a gold seller whom buys gold. thanks. -as trust trades have been frowned upon here. let me know your botting exp so far.
  5. yogurtforkz

    request. 6 accounts. 40 attack 90 strenght.

    40 att, 58 str, 69 range, 65 magic. 48 combat! 1 def / 1 prayer. 0 exp in both. i have alot of dairies easy done. + mithril gloves.
  6. yogurtforkz

    Need 10 rmate credits

    no sorry fine peoples.
  7. yogurtforkz

    OSRS Help anyone

    if you havent checked both with that email thier diffrent. each osrs and rs3 can use that account email diffrenrlty. and yes i make new accounts often + do barrows gloves quests.
  8. yogurtforkz

    OSRS Help anyone

    he played old school runescape not rs3. this works tho. lol
  9. yogurtforkz

    OSRS buying 20 rmc for osrs gp

    maybe start out at 5 credits? as it is a trust trade? you may also need to offer to go first!?@!
  10. yogurtforkz

    OSRS Help anyone

    make a pure use it to talk? best your main can do is nex anyway. g.e also works just fine?
  11. yogurtforkz

    Question Add Credits?

    i've since went to party pete! - credits gifting from me, no longer available.
  12. yogurtforkz

    Need 10 rmate credits

    im at about 8.5 runemate credits right now. that i can / may gift for osrs gp w315, 23m for 5 credits.
  13. yogurtforkz

    Need 10 rmate credits

    i got 5 credits, can you do 23m? im at w315 'yogurtforkz g.e firemaking.
  14. yogurtforkz

    MAGA Gainz looking for workers

    i would fookin love to mate, i am doing so as you may read this. -yogurtforkz.
  15. yogurtforkz

    wanting to buy $20 credits~

    well hope your worth it, 20m osrs gp! for 5 runemate credits. time and location? you can add me ingame and add me on discord aswell. -' yogurtforkz '